Aren't you the one who complained about the scavenger hunt for sink upgrades before someone told you there's a quest that leads to all of them, Gabe?

Like I said in that thread, I only saw a bunch of fetch quests, let out a big sigh, turned down the pipboy and started wandering towards the quest objective.
I still don't like that I have to hunt for every single [censored] voice module even if there is a quest marker leading me there.
It's just a way to prolong the DLC which doesn't really add anything.
It's padding, filler, it's complete [censored] design to make the DLC seem longer and bigger than it actually is.
Can't wait to get this DLC over with...
WOW Gabriel You suprise me, really
I could have sworn u liked OWB a lot.......
Man, u have a BAD Day or something....LOL
Get This... :spotted owl:
Best Regards
I don't hate it, whatever is the closest word to hate but not actually the word hate is what I have for OWB.