...But then this happens
So what kind of names do you give your enchanted gear? I can't be the only one who does this kind of crap
I like it.
I don't name mine like that but I like it.
thanks, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the stupid names I've given my stuff. For this particular weapon I was torn between this and "Gimme Yo Stanamanana"... I might've played eenie-meenie-miney-moo to pick the name
Whatever is fun, that's the name of the game. You filthy casual. *Kidding*
I'm not real creative with names for my enchanted weapons, but I usually name them according to their enchantment. Example: shock enchanted sword-- Blade of Lightning or Blade of Storms (I guess they end up being somewhat similar to the Bethesda names)
Wait, are you trying to tell me that my Glass Sword of Burninating (enchanted with fire damage) isn't serious? We generally just refer to it as The Burninator anyway. Now that's serious.
And what about my Glass Boots of Sneakiness (enchanted with muffle)? Deadly serious, I tells ya!
The Spork of Horripulation has to take the cake as the funniest name of all.
Edit: But OT - Wyrm'sTooth for my dragonbone sword.
Ebonmere for Mjoll's ebony battleaxe
Wyrm'sTongue for my dragonbone bow.
Well i never enchant my weapons, mostly because the runes are ugly and dont allow me to use elemental fury.
On armor i name my gear in sets.
For example: blacksmith's gauntlets, blacksmith's armor, etc.
For jewelry its normally: RIng of XXXX destruction/rest/healing/etc
That said i don't do much enchanting
Hahaha, YES! Now that's what im talking about
lol, im guessing you gave this name to a fork?
Not me unfortunately, I'm not imaginative enough. Someone else on the forum did that one.
I enchant weapons only with soul trap.And is usually Soulreaver.
If you can't figure out a name for your weapons when you enchant them just "kind of" based them off of other games or anything medieval related
Mostly I'm unimaginitive and name stuff armour of health, circlet of restoration, that kind of thing, but I occasionally get immature and give them rude names for a bit of a giggle, usually the weapons.
I prefix all of my enchanted gear with "My ", as in "My Silver Sword". That way all of my gear is grouped together in my inventory. It makes it quick and easy to scroll through when I'm selling off my loot to merchants.
Character weapon effect.
Was more creative in Oblivion as you could be more creative with enchants, like the exponential blade, shortsword with shock damage, weakness to shock and magic.
it did more and more damage each time you hit.
I once named a stalhrim war hammer the 'hammertyst' inspired by fable 2
Always name my enchanted gear in Oblivion (mainly because you have to) but never bothered with it in Skyrim. Takes me ages to come up with a character name let alone naming every weapon as well.
I just put "enchanted" in front of whatever was there before; eg. "Enchanted Orcish Sword". [censored] it.
I usually name items with artifact style names which sometimes gives a hint of it's affections. There's no solid way how I do it - I just follow my intuition.
I'm a dork too. I always give my characters and my items silly names... always have since games first started allowing one to do it. Even when I used to play paper & pencil D&D, I did the same thing. I don't know if it's some aversion I have to truly plummeting into the depths of nerdom by being serious about character names or history or if it's just because I'm a dork and like to make a joke out of everything.
Whatever makes the game fun for you, I say. It got a smile out of me. When I enchant to sell, I don't often name items. I had one mage character who was a serious enchanter who named her items similar to the ones you find in-game (mostly because I lack imagination when it comes to naming things).
Oh, what?! these names are real funny, i should try them out sometime. Though im probably more tempted to give my stuff "epic names", for example I named my illusion ring "Phantom Obfuscation", and my magic resistance ring "Arcane Void" or stuff like that.
But daaaaayum, these names are so funny.