Can't build, objects are always to high to sit on ground.

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:49 pm

I love the game and have about 10 hours in it now, but, when building, or trying to put down water, food, anything, my object are to high off the ground. I can build walls and buildings, it seems to only affect food, & water, If I get lucky, I can find a high spot and hit it just right and it will let me build there, no matter the object, when I select it, its just above waist high and wont let me put it on the ground. I'm new to the game so it may be me just doing something wrong.
Any suggestions?
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Unstoppable Judge
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:23 pm

Obvious question first. Are you tilting the camera properly?

Are you on Xbox?

Had a similar issue and fixed it by switching to a new game then restarting Fallout.

Seems linked to the resume function.

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Rachel Hall
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:25 am

if it is xbox.... You need to unplug the console for atleast 1 minute... this clears out the cache. Then boot it up and try it again. If the problem persists, quit the game, unplug the console again for 2 minutes, boot up a different game and then go back to fallout.

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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:02 pm

I just recently found out about a very useful positioning trick ---- if you have the object visible, but red so you cannot place it, you can HOLD the Activate key (whatever it is on a console) and then you can move the mouse around smoooothly. You can also use the mousewheel (or however you "mousewheel" on a console) and it will raise and lower the object. Could kick myself for all the time I wasted before I discovered this way of positioning.

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