Been thinking about making an new, alternate character.
This one would be a bit of a scuzzball - a rather inept petty criminal and thief, who's always being caught and serving jail time; rough-looking, mostly dressed in cheap, ragged clothes - not much in the way of combat skills, but decent at pickpocketing, stealth, lock picking etc.
I'd not want him to join any factions (except possibly the Thieve's Guild much later), or doing much that's particularly 'heroic'. He'd mostly just travel from town to town, constantly looking for the next 'get rich quick' scheme, but generally failing, and falling back to pickpocketing, and attemped burglary to keep himself fed.
The trouble is that, as I've learned from my first character, the game tends to inflict things upon you, that you don't necessarily want to be part of from a role-playing perspective, as a case to point, my existing character is a fairly typical 'warrior hero' archetype, that is following the main quest, and goes around righting wrongs. This didn't stop the game from trying to put him onto the path of joining the Thieve's Guild, despite him never having stolen anything in his life! Would be nice if there were some manner of refusing these kind of quests, or at least removing them from your log.. but I digress....
Clearly, I'd not want my new 'scuzzball' character to be 'The Dragonborn'. In fact his only reaction to encountering a dragon would be to run far away, very fast! I may be wrong, but It seems to me that the game inflicts the entire 'YOU ARE THE DRAGONBORN' - 'NOW GO FIGHT THAT DRAGON!' thing upon you from the start... or perhaps theres a way of skipping the entire scenario, and avoiding the whole Dragonborn theme?
So, there's my question: Can it be avoided, or at least skipped, or is the 'you are the Dragonborn' scenario mandatory?