Can't cast while riding a dragon

Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:07 am

I finished Dragonborn last night and was unable to cast spells while riding a dragon. I am able to shout though. I have uninstalled all game/patch data and re-installed in order of PS3 release; Skyrim, Dragonborn, and Dawnguard (I don't have Hearthfire). I am still unable to cast. Is there any known fix? It would be a shame if my main character, who is a mage, won't be able to be a bad azz and blow stuff up from the air :(

Edit: I also tried shooting a bow with the same results.

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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:33 am

This is not a bug or glitch. You can not cast any magic spells while mounted. I didn't know about shouts. I may have to try that. On horseback, a mount, you are only allowed to attack with physical weapons (bows, daggers, one-handed weapons).

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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:10 am

Thanks for the reply. However, the features of the DLC listed on the Wiki page state:

"In addition to ordering the dragon to attack, its also possible to use magic spells and shouts while mounted. Once an enemy is locked on to, any spells that are cast will fly in their direction. Area-of-effect spells, such as Blizzard, cannot be cast however. It's also not possible to use other forms of combat while mounted."

So, I can see how shooting a bow isn't possible. But as it is listed, and I have also seen video of, it is possible to cast spells while on a dragon.

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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:36 am

You are able to use your spells and shouts while riding a dragon, but only once you've ordered the dragon to start attacking a target.

Once you're airborne, your dragon can scan for nearby enemies (I think it's triangle to lock on, L3 to attack).

Once your dragon has engaged an enemy, you should be able to use your shouts and spells to assist...

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Daramis McGee
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Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:50 pm

That is kinda of cool and lame. Why give the ability to use magic while riding dragons and not extend that ability when on horseback? Uggghhh,!!!! You just know some executive's five year old beta-tested everything related to Skyrim. So, everything is, "Dad, this is cool." ; leaving the obvious questions unasked.

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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Tue Jun 04, 2013 4:42 pm

Yep, but it's not working other than being able to shout. I'm hoping someone has a fix. The only thing during the quest I did out of order was to finish the book of waking dreams before the final showdown with Mirak. When that part of the quest started I read the book and was brought to the final chapter and tamed the dragon with bend will. This shouldn't cause any issues though since I've read on strategy sites that this is normal. I'm not sure why I can't cast. When I get some time I will try to install the game data again but maybe install Dawnguard before Dragonborn.

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Rik Douglas
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Post » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:52 am

Yes do that, i have read some people have fix that, putting Dawnguard at the top of the load order - (but i think it was on PC version).

But you can try at least... :D

...and that is from another PS3 user:

[ I deleted all the skyrim game data from my Play Station 3, reinstalled the game without being connected to the internet, quit,

downloaded the 3 addons, ran the game again with the internet connected and downloaded the latest patch, then quit again and installed the DLCs,

then spent roughly six hours running through the game, got the dragon riding shout, got on a dragon and then to my amazement

was able to cast spells at enemies. I figured the problem occurred because of the latest patch, or dawnguard because I got dragonborn first

and was able to cast spells while riding a dragon, then after I got dawnguard I couldn't. ]

Wish you luck... :cool:

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Katie Samuel
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