No, I'm fairly certain I'm hearing him right. It's nothing against the voice actor, however, I just personally don't like the voice, or how parts of this particular voice reads the script. For instance, in a few areas I've been to so far, he'll add syllables to words, which isn't a major issue or anything, but still very annoying. For example, in the very beginning, if you check out the mashed potatoes, he'll say, "insta-maaaaash." Or, when you check out the comic (again at the beginning), he'll say, "my favorite!" in a very squeaky voice. Then, in standard dialogue, he goes into this very deep, coarse voice while talking, though sometimes he squeaks with the beginning word, and gradually falls into his "deep voice." All of those things, so far, have continually occurred with various items and in various interactions. These aren't things to exaggerate, they're just "there." It was just a simple question, though, because if there was the option to change your character's voice, I would like to change it, as I'm - personally - slightly annoyed every time my character talks about anything, or to anyone. Nothing against the voice actor, though, as the actual voice acting is good. I just don't like the voice, and that's subjective- I'm fairly certain others love the voice, and even if given options, this would be the voice they choose. Anyway, my question was already politely answered. I just wanted to give you a brief example of what I was referring to.