Can't clear bounty

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:37 am

Basically I can't even get to the front gate of Markarth without a guard stopping me for crimes i committed. Now the problem is that I can't pay off my bounty because every time i select that option the guard say's "no i can't do that" or something similar. so when i select "go to jail" he says his little bit about how no one ever escapes the mine, but nothing happens and then i get another option saying "whats the problem" and then it just takes me right back to the same options as before. it's a never ending loop. and i thought being in the thieves guild was supposed to help me out with this but apparently not, because I've already completed the entire thieves guild quest line, and still nothing helps. so some help with this would be greatly appreciated because it's really starting to piss me off that i basically can't even set foot in or around this city without having to fight my way in.
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Markie Mark
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