Can't complete the game :(

Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:36 am

Hi i need help, badly. I am at the end of the game (working for Mr House) and inside Legate Lanius's camp. Basically i can't beat him. My speech and general skill levels are like 20 which means i have to fight him and those jobsworths with the Electric fists. If i try to kill him they chase me down and punch my head off. I am a fairly low level all ill post my stats and inventory i see relevant below. ( xbox 360 )

I have a very good condition antimatter rifle with ammo and a gauss rifle with no ammo as well as the 10mm machine gun in perfect and handgun. I have basic wepons like repeaters and rifles ( nothing any good) i have no mines.

i have 1 stimpak and 5 super stimpaks and 5 Psycho's ( the chem up approach helps but doesn't work. )

I wear good con recon armour and recon beret but have very good condition salvaged power armour in my inventory.

My skills are.

Barter:15 Energy Weapons:46 Explosives:15 Guns:60 Lockpick:66 Medicine:63 Melee Weapons:25 Repair:50 Science:50 Sneak:20 Speach:15 Survival:15 Unarmed:18 and i am level 15

I cannot go back as all my saves are at this point.

With the new DLC coming up i really need to get past this please help. If there is no way of doing this can you please link me to an xbox 360 gamesave i could put on my pendrive? apparently its possible but is a last resort and would make me feel dirty, i would be forever grateful.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 6:06 am

Hi i need help, badly. I am at the end of the game (working for Mr House) and inside Legate Lanius's camp. Basically i can't beat him. My speech and general skill levels are like 20 which means i have to fight him and those jobsworths with the Electric fists. If i try to kill him they chase me down and punch my head off. I am a fairly low level all ill post my stats and inventory i see relevant below. ( xbox 360 )

I have a very good condition antimatter rifle with ammo and a gauss rifle with no ammo as well as the 10mm machine gun in perfect and handgun. I have basic wepons like repeaters and rifles ( nothing any good) i have no mines.

i have 1 stimpak and 5 super stimpaks and 5 Psycho's ( the chem up approach helps but doesn't work. )

I wear good con recon armour and recon beret but have very good condition salvaged power armour in my inventory.

My skills are.

Barter:15 Energy Weapons:46 Explosives:15 Guns:60 Lockpick:66 Medicine:63 Melee Weapons:25 Repair:50 Science:50 Sneak:20 Speach:15 Survival:15 Unarmed:18 and i am level 15

I cannot go back as all my saves are at this point.

With the new DLC coming up i really need to get past this please help. If there is no way of doing this can you please link me to an xbox 360 gamesave i could put on my pendrive? apparently its possible but is a last resort and would make me feel dirty, i would be forever grateful.

Um....try the cheats, hints, etc. section next time you post a big spoiler like this.
I'm afraid you have no hope unless you go on a rock far away from Lanius, and crouch hidden and shoot him and when he turns hostile, keep shooting till he dies, use chems.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:27 am

Use Stealth Boys if you have any. Try to get Sneak Attack criticals from a distance.
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Post » Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:38 pm

I have no stealthboys and that rock thing has been patched but thanks for trying
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:18 am

why are all your saves past that point? that was a mistake.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:05 pm

The plan was if there was a pivotal moment in the game or if there was an autosave after something i did i did not like there would be a backup, unfortunately the backup took place of an older save.
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:58 am

Crank the difficulty down to "very easy". This is a ridiculous fight at a lower level, I've seen strategies that involved:

- placing about 20 mines in the spot where they all have to run down,
- C4
- Getting up to the spot across from him and triggering the fight by sneak attack criticaling him with a sniper rifle to the head (which only seems to do like an 8th or 16th of damage to him)

Your best bet is, now that you're stuck and going to have to start over to play any more of the game anyway (with no saves prior to the final battle, the game doesn't continue on as has been exhaustively written about), crank it down to very easy, he can be killed in one shot with the Gauss with a sneak attack critical (you may not have ammo for this weapon but he's much weaker so other weapons should do) and only two minions come at you instead of like... 6 or 7. Then you can see the ending and begin again, knowing not to make the mistake of having anything less than either 100 for speech (or 80 and a magazine with the perk that gives you double for magazines and books), or being far more prepared going into the battle.

So yeah, getting past this battle is of no consequence for the upcoming DLC, you'll need to start a new character to play that DLC anyway (it becomes a side quest to be played before the end of the game, as I said previously, once the game is over, the game is over, you don't keep playing). Also... why on earth do you only have 1 stimpack? I carry like 50 at all times, I went and played some Fallout 3 the other day, I have 240 in my inventory) The super-stimpacks are garbage for a packrat/power armor user like me, since they drop your strength by one (I became over-encumbered trying to fight the Legate and using a Super Stimpack).
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:57 am

I planted about 5 plasma mines on the steps that the Legate runs down, and then sneak crit from the rocks opposite him and the guards.

Seen as you don't have any mines, your best bet would be to scout the whole amp and get rid of any Pretorian Guards and any of Caesar's Legion before you initiate the fight with Lanius. From what I remember there was about five or six dotted around the camp, once you've got rid of them you'll just have to get a sneak crit to Lanius' head, if you've got any AP ammo that will help a lot. But to be honest, at level 15, and with the lack of equipment you have, you will find it tough.

I was level 23 when I completed my first playthrough, and it took me about 10 attempts to get through the final fight, this is bearing in mind that I had a lot of stimpaks, chems, guns, explosives etc

Good luck though, let us know if you get through it! :)
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:19 am

You tried to do the ending battle with so little supplies and skills? And no saves from well before just in case?

Well now you know not to do that.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:23 am

Um....try the cheats, hints, etc. section next time you post a big spoiler like this.
I'm afraid you have no hope unless you go on a rock far away from Lanius, and crouch hidden and shoot him and when he turns hostile, keep shooting till he dies, use chems.

There is no hope PERIOD.
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Shaylee Shaw
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