In order to figure this out, you'll need to go to your control panel, find my computer's performance. It will tell you your processor speed, your RAM (sometimes just called memory) your graphics card, and your hard drive space. Check New Vegas's box to see if your computer meets these requirements. (remeber that one gigabyte is equal to one thousand megabites)
That's really not enough to say. Press windows key and r, and type dxdiag, press the "save all data" button (or something like that), save it to a text file and copy everything up until the "display devices" paragraph here.
It has 2.75 ram and AMD sompron 1400 processor 270 ghrz
Is that enough ?
Your graphics card and hard drive space are important too. If you try to play without the right graphics card, you will break your computer. I know from experience. The box says you need 3 gigs of RAM and a Nivda GeForce GT 140 graphics card.
Your graphics card and hard drive space are important too. If you try to play without the right graphics card, you will break your computer. I know from experience. The box says you need 3 gigs of RAM and a Nivda GeForce GT 140 graphics card.
[censored] I guess I cant get the game then :sadvaultboy:
Since you don't have enough information for us to help you go to:
Follow on screen instructions. You may need administrative privileges.
I've had nothing but bad info from that site. It tells me that my new desktop far exceeds minimum requirements (but it has a chipset and definitely does *not* run the game). And don't even get me started on my laptop.
OP, do a dxdiag and post your question (with the dxdiag results) in the Community section of this forum - the tech guys hang out there.
Have you done the dxdiag that they asked you to do? Heres a that will show you how remember to read the video description once you have all that in a text doc open it click edit up at the top and select all now copy/paste all of that to your post on this site (you can copy paste right :wink_smile: ) if your still having trouble ask and ill give you more steps :fallout: yes indeed i did copy/paste this from your fallout 3 topic :spotted owl: