I know that daedric princes can be banished back to oblivion but what happens if they die in oblivion are they gone or do they come back to life in a different place in oblivion or is it just impossible for them to die in oblivion because they're so powerful?
can Destruction as it is die forever? if so, then technically, Dagon can die forever. technically. can Madness die forever? if so, then technically, Sheo can die forever. technically. and so on

but then again, what was already said about them being and not being because of mortals.
i'd imagine that Anu and Padomai(spelling?) are the entirety of all the concepts and Destruction, being once of the concepts, is a part of those two, be it used or not? if not used, Dagon is "dead". if used, Dagon is "alive". i think the closest you can come to destroying Dagon is twisting and reforming and reshaping and re-whatever the whole concept of Destruction until it no longer hold any property attributable to Destruction. if that can be achieved, then when so achieved, Dagon will then be as close to being dead as he can be. or just revert to being his former jumping king self

By that logic I won't "die" either since my materials will be recycled into other things

but see, the materials are not all of you, they are a part of you, but not the total you. i think for TES, its, roughly, like this: material=body, everything else about you=soul. i think even in TES, its dust to dust so it can later be recycled and used for someone else's body. then what remains of you, call it 'soul', jest off to Dreamsleave(spellling?) to be stripped of you as much as that is possible, and after that, another 'person' is born on Nirn when some of that recycled dust is infused with the 'soul' . think 'soul'=clean data storage device, 'you'=data stored on it, and 'body'=a robot that for a while gets the data storage device wired into its circuits. eh, not sure how accurate of anology that is, though.
and i guess with Prince, it jets off to their own Dreamsleave(spelling?) equivalent, i donno.