I used Pocket Empire Builder to build a decent camp out in the wilderness East of Rorikstead for me and 15 followers where there are some wonky monoliths poking out of the ground and a little stream.
Then after hunting for a while I find Legate Quentin Crispus mincing about by one of my campfires and telling me to bog off!
I've met him before, but it seems I have built my Druid/Ranger camp slap bang *censored* in the middle of where an Imperial camp is meant to spawn for the Battle of Whiterun.
I joined the Stormcloaks anyway and this is an old character (my first) at level 66 with 460 hours play (a Nord) which I abandoned after Patch 1.9 but found to my delight is working fine with a completely different mod list.
But I haven't even done the Jagged Crown yet, much less any Civil War battles or even the High Hrothgar peace conference bit with this character.
Is this the bugged copy of Quentin Crispus and can I delete him with the console with no worries?
As I say, this character is a Nord Stormcloak anyway.