Hmm... can i get the Tamriel rebuilt mods do ya think?
No. Not unless you like slideshow framerates. In fact Telvanni cities in general will cripple it.
I originally played the game on an Acer laptop from 2008. Actually it's the one I'm typing this with. It has a 2.2 GHZ core 2 duo, 2GB RAM and an awful GFX chip called the 965GM, which is nonetheless a generation more advanced than the one you have.
With these specs, all higher than yours, I got an average framerate of 20-40 and a view distance measured in feet. It was playable and enjoyable, but nowhere near the same fluid experience as on my proper gaming PC.
Graphics mods as well, you will not be able to run too many texture packs without suffering a crippling performance hit, and any type of detailed meshes or particle effects will wreck the framerate. To this day I still laugh hysterically when I enter a propylon chamber, because I'd gotten so used seeing the framerate go into single figures when I originally played it.
I would really hesitate to play it on something even older than this.