can we disregard some of the bad lore

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:25 pm

tes has fantastic lore (in my opinion- the best lore of any game)

but there are a few things that upset me.

mamicaro - lets completely ignore the entire oblivion mages guild questline ok? the king of worms realy wasnt a high elf that was as weak as any imperial guard!

lets also pretend that the dark brotherhood is a secretive (do note the word secretive, its very important) cult of assasins- not a bunch of goths that are A: anything but secritive, and B: not actualy assasins - jonas brothers arent rock ok?

the fighters guild in oblivion didnt make me want to throw a baby at a wall due to the storyline- but can they please go back to being corrupt asses?

black soul gems- what makes human souls special enough to require their own gem? i dont mind the idea of a "black" soulgem that is different but having soul gems specificaly for humans? the thing had the same enchant value as a grand anyways. black soul gems should be made interesting.

apparently cyrodil vampires were meant to be great at being "human"- could skyrim vampires be more like old style vampires- maybe with a little demonism added?

wearboars are meant to only reside in hammerfell and high rock- could they PLEASE be found on the very eastern edge of skyrim? wereboars sound more awsome than werewolves,wearbears and carebears

vampireism and lycanthropy shouldent give 100% resistance to disease- or at least let the player become manbearpig!! (half werebear, half were boar)) or some allow the player to be hybrids (vampires until transformation, maybe some extra bonuses as a wolf)

make daedric extraordinarily rare again.

could molag bal (i think it was molag bal) actualy be named the prince of r*** (he was in daggerfall)- could spider daedra actualy be half naked person again?

could daedra have their own prince again? rather than having most daedra belonging to mehrunes and every other daedric prince having a single daedra minion
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:42 pm

Don't you ever stop making threads? :confused:

And of course things will be improved.
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Rob Smith
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:42 am

tes has fantastic lore (in my opinion- the best lore of any game)

but there are a few things that upset me.


Stopped reading here. Seriously, get your facts straight before you complain about them.
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u gone see
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:03 pm

Cyrodiil was meant to be mainly jungle, and BGS had no problem trampling all over that. All is not lost.

Edit: after actually bringing myself to read the OP in its entirety, most of these ideas are ridiculous and ill informed. Jus' sayin'...
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:02 pm

Don't you ever stop making threads? :confused:

And of course things will be improved.

Stop stressing out L to the S, jack! :verymad:
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:25 am

Well human souls do require special gems. Arkay prevents human souls from being captured. The Necromancer's moon (considered to be the King of Worms god form) allows the creation of black soul gems. Though I agree they should be special. I think they should be stronger than grand souls.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:55 am

Cyrodiil was meant to be mainly jungle, and BGS had no problem trampling all over that. All is not lost.

i would have liked oblivion to have been a jungle, it would have made the land more diverse :sadvaultboy:
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:58 pm

Stop stressing out L to the S, jack! :verymad:

Why, thank you, kind sir. :D
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:10 pm

Cyrodiil was meant to be mainly jungle, and BGS had no problem trampling all over that. All is not lost.

I thought it was supposed to be all rain forest? That could mean tropical or temperate.

black soul gems- what makes human souls special enough to require their own gem? i dont mind the idea of a "black" soulgem that is different but having soul gems specificaly for humans? the thing had the same enchant value as a grand anyways. black soul gems should be made interesting.

Not just humans, but any sentient being (mer, beastfolk, dremora, etc.) I thought it was pretty cool, the idea that a human/elf/whatever might not be as powerful as some creatures, but sentience gives them a powerful soul.

apparently cyrodil vampires were meant to be great at being "human"- could skyrim vampires be more like old style vampires- maybe with a little demonism added?

Yes, they are. Read
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:05 pm

Can't say I agree with you, only on the King of Worms thing.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:36 am

wearboars are meant to only reside in hammerfell and high rock- could they PLEASE be found on the very eastern edge of skyrim? wereboars sound more awsome than werewolves,wearbears and carebears

wait, what?

You've confused me here

we don't even know if Lycanthropes are in the game, so how can something that's not been confirmed in the game be bad lore?
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:58 pm

Anything not written in the Elder Scrolls themselves is subject to interpretation and change, just ask the Grey Fox or the poor sods trying to write the history books after the Warp in the West. In the real world it's a tradition handed down that the codes of chivalry made you a good person, and we all know that ain't so.
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Rex Help
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:04 am

There are several Mannimarcos since the Dragon Break. One is the necromancers' moon, one is an actual person and there are still several other versions of Mannimarco.

The Mannimarco you met in Daggerfall isn't the same as the one you met in Oblivion.
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carrie roche
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:49 am

There are several Mannimarcos since the Dragon Break. One is the necromancers' moon, one is an actual person and there are still several other versions of Mannimarco.

The Mannimarco you met in Daggerfall isn't the same as the one you met in Oblivion.

Really? I didn't know this.
Would be cool if someone else also confirmed this.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:26 pm

Stop saying that Bethesda should just 'throw away' some lore and then add some, people. Whatever is in the games is the lore. People who say that they're afraid that Bethesda will break the lore in the new game deserve a slap across the face, because Bethesda makes the lore. If somethings contradict each other, they're still part of the lore, but there's just some confusing aroound it. Just like history. Example (didn't really happen): It was widely believed that was a Hindu, but some reports were found that say that he had secret meetings with Al-Qaeda. (again didn't happen)
History changes, and so does lore.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:09 am

Don't believe anything you hear, only half of what you see, and prepare to be proved wrong but always assume that if it's in a book, it's probably a lie.
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luis dejesus
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:11 am

Lore is important however it is not always correct even when we are talking about real world stuff and places. Many continue to believe for instance that Alaska is one big block of ice when in fact it's filled with diversity and is far from being the Sewards Folly that many imagine it. They read in books how cold it was and don't understand it is filled with forests, wildflowers and dense vegetation. Just because we read someones description in a book does not make that description so. Likewise, Cyrodiil's jungles turned out to be temperate forests. Descriptions are often in the eye of the beholder and often not accurate. We have to accept such mistakes in real life and can surely accept such mistakes in the lore of our games.

Not everything is according to plan or exactly as we believe it to be. Life is always filled with contradictions.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:27 pm

Also, as I'm compelled to mention every time someone brings it up, Cyrodiil being a jungle makes absolutely no sense geographically, so it's a good thing they changed it.
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Jon O
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:08 pm

Cyrodiil was meant to be mainly jungle, and BGS had no problem trampling all over that. All is not lost.

yeah that one hit home, I... TT.TT why you do dis bethesda?
@ Summer hmmm I must have gotten lost and never encountered any of these forests in all the randomly generated landscape.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:12 am

yeah that one hit home, I... TT.TT why you do dis bethesda?
@ Summer hmmm I must have gotten lost and never encountered any of these forests in all the randomly generated landscape.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:52 pm

Hmmm, I sure whish my oblivion looked like that =/
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:21 pm

Hmmm, I sure whish my oblivion looked like that =/

It does.

You have to stop using fast travel.
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:49 am

Cyrodill's Topography is lower then that of the over provinces, the Imperial City is the lowest central point of that region, the surrounding mountains of Valus / Jerrall and Dragontail? (Highrock /Hammerfell) all feed rivers into Vally Niben that flows out into Topal, why wouldn't it have been a lush jungle of epicness? but summers points are Valid (ha Summer, I made a funny)
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:13 pm

On Mannimarco:

The Mannimarco that you defeated in oblivion was his avatar, not his whole self.
He achieved apotheosis in Daggerfall and his plane(t) orbits Arkay.

This also makes black soul gems possible. Arkay's edicts prevent the souls of a sentient being being trapped.
When Mannimarco eclipses Arkay, every 8 days, Arkay's influence is corrupted and black soul gems can be created.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:25 am

On Mannimarco:

The Mannimarco that you defeated in oblivion was his avatar, not his whole self.
He achieved apotheosis in Daggerfall and his plane(t) orbits Arkay.

This also makes black soul gems possible. Arkay's edicts prevent the souls of a sentient being being trapped.
When Mannimarco eclipses Arkay, every 8 days, Arkay's influence is corrupted and black soul gems can be created

If that isn't sixy lore I dont know what is.
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