Can't duplicate a worldspace?!?!?

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:27 pm

Oh god, I'm freaking out, I need help guys.

So, the whole theme in my mod is that you travel back in time and whatnot. Now, there is an exterior area in this base that I have built, and you go there both in the past and the present. So I made the past version of the worldspace, it took like a month and I finally have it more or less complete. So, I had planned to just duplicate it, and slightly tweak the duplicate and make it the present time version of the area... However, whenever I right click on my worldspace in the worldspace list, and click Duplicate, the geck freezes and instantly crashes... It's not like the loading 'crash', it actually 100% legit crashes. Normally the windows 'the program has crashed' window comes up, but I can click 'wait for the program to respond' this doesnt let me. I checked in the task manager, and the GECK appears to be doing nothing. I'm going to try just letting it sit there, but I doubt that will work.

Does it crash for everyone? Can you simply not duplicate a worldspace? Is there some other way to do it?!? I have been working on the mod for 6 months now, and it all rides of whether or not I can duplicate this god dang worldspace. I can't recreate another version from scratch, it wont be close enough and would look horrible... I have reopened and tried again at least 10 times now, and it does the same thing each time. Please help if you can! :cryvaultboy:

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Eddie Howe
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:34 pm

Yep, I'm afraid it happens to everyone. :(

Just another thing Obsidian randomly broke...
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:22 am

Yep, I'm afraid it happens to everyone. :(

Just another thing Obsidian randomly broke...


Is there some other way to do it???

Could I... perhaps copy the esp, delete everything but the worldspace, rename the worldspace, then merge the new esp into the original? Would that work? It sounds like it might. It might work. Right? I have to duplicate this worldspace... I don't have any other options, beyond rewriting a large chunk of the story.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:08 am

I've never tried that before, I guess it's up to you to find out :)
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His Bella
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:06 am

I've never tried that before, I guess it's up to you to find out :)

The only issue I see with that is that all the form ID's of the copied worldspace could be the same, causing issues? I need an expert FNVedit person in here, stat!
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:24 pm

The only issue I see with that is that all the form ID's of the copied worldspace could be the same, causing issues?

Yeah, you're going to need to change one of them before you merge. Open the plugin in edit, right click on the copy of the worldspace, choose "Change FormID".

Hope that works for you, I've never tried duplicating a worldspace :)
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:39 pm

Yeah, you're going to need to change one of them before you merge. Open the plugin in edit, right click on the copy of the worldspace, choose "Change FormID".

Hope that works for you, I've never tried duplicating a worldspace :)

But what do I change the FormID's too? I'm entirely sure how to do this. I do believe I can in TESsnip, I just need some help. I know how to merge them, just not what to change the FormID's too so that they arent the same.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:28 pm

Alright, I think I may have it. This is what I did.

1. Copied the original .esp file, and also created a backup and placed it elsewhere.
2. Opened the copy in FNVedit and got rid of all records except those of the worldspace I need to duplicate.
3. Look in file header and found out the next file ID should be 125280, so I converted that to the hex number 1E960.
4. I renumbered all FormID's in the worldspace-only esp file, starting at XX01E960, as per the hex number above.
5. Opened both the plain esp and the worldspace only one in TESsnip.
6. Cut and paste the worldspace records, with the new unique FormID's, into the plain esp.
7. Saved that as a new esp.

*See below* Now upon opening it in the geck, I had forgotten to redo the door teleport markers. So I unchecked all doors leading in and out of the worldspace. I then set two of them back up. (The past and present version of a door) However, I notice something weird. When I am inside the past version of the interior cell, if I enter 'Player.GetInCell N9LabPast' it says true, but it also says true for 'Player.GetInCell N9Lab', which is the present day version of the cell. However, when in the present day version, I ONLY get true for the N9Lab, and I get false for N9labPast. Is this an artifact of what I have done to the file?**

Does anyone see any issues arrising from what I have done? I still have the original file incase something does happen. Can anyone give any insight into this? If I did it right, if there will be side effects, things I should watch out for.


* I tested the original unedited file and I still get the weird incorrect GetInCell results. So I don't think that is an issue with that. I may make a separate topic inquiring as to why it's happening, unless someone can help me figure out here. I still want to know if anyone see's any issues with what I have done.
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:30 am

  • With FNVEdit, R-Click the WRLD and "Deep copy as override into..." Disposable.esp
  • Navigate Disposable.esp's master list and manually remove YourMod.esp, close/save
  • Open Disposable.esp with FNVEdit
  • R-Click Disposable.esp and "Renumber FormIDs From..." F00000
  • Navigate to Disposable.esp's master list and manually add YourMod.esp, close/save
  • Open YourMod.esp and Disposable.esp, R-Click the Worldspace group (all forms will be injecting and merge ready), and "Deep copy as override into..." YourMod.esp
  • Alter any new, duplicate EditorIDs so they don't match the originals
  • NAVMs will need to be disconnected from doors then re-connected (two doors can't be connected to the same door on the other end), I'd imagine, to access appropriate cells. If the interiors and exteriors were copied in the above manner, this part would happen automatically. The GECK might crash over the NAVI not lining up which could necessitate re-finalizing all your cells' NAVMs after deleting NAVI with FNVEdit.

There would still be many i's to dot and t's to cross, but that should get the bulk of the WRLD duplicated quickly.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:21 pm

  • With FNVEdit, R-Click the WRLD and "Deep copy as override into..." Disposable.esp
  • Navigate Disposable.esp's master list and manually remove YourMod.esp, close/save
  • Open Disposable.esp with FNVEdit
  • R-Click Disposable.esp and "Renumber FormIDs From..." F00000
  • Navigate to Disposable.esp's master list and manually add YourMod.esp, close/save
  • Open YourMod.esp and Disposable.esp, R-Click the Worldspace group (all forms will be injecting and merge ready), and "Deep copy as override into..." YourMod.esp
  • Alter any new, duplicate EditorIDs so they don't match the originals
  • NAVMs will need to be disconnected from doors then re-connected (two doors can't be connected to the same door on the other end), I'd imagine, to access appropriate cells. If the interiors and exteriors were copied in the above manner, this part would happen automatically. The GECK might crash over the NAVI not lining up which could necessitate re-finalizing all your cells' NAVMs after deleting NAVI with FNVEdit.

There would still be many i's to dot and t's to cross, but that should get the bulk of the WRLD duplicated quickly.

So what I did is essentially this, except instead of copying the worldspace into a new esp, I copied the esp and deleted everything but the worldspace. Then instead of copying it back in using FNVedit, I pasted it over in TESsnip. Other than that, I did it the same way pretty much. So this shouldn't have any issues? I'm going to assume that it's safe to get to work on it, dotting the aforementioned i's and crossing the t's.

I'll get to work redoing the doors and patching up and refinalizing any navmesh issues! Thanks. :D
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:21 pm

I've never used TESSnip, so... Are there 'before' and 'after' versions after the snipping (Including Duplicate EditorIDs)? If the gutted .esp's records match the original's when "pasted", I'd imagine there would only be 'before' records. The renumbering of FormIDs is essential for there to be two versions of everything.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:58 am

I've never used TESSnip, so... Are there 'before' and 'after' versions after the snipping (Including Duplicate EditorIDs)? If the gutted .esp's records match the original's when "pasted", I'd imagine there would only be 'before' records. The renumbering of FormIDs is essential for there to be two versions of everything.

Well, before merging them with TESsnip I did the following steps (after renaming the worldspace in FNVedit)

3. Look in file header and found out the next file ID should be 125280, so I converted that to the hex number 1E960.
4. I renumbered all FormID's in the worldspace-only esp file, starting at XX01E960, as per the hex number above.

So I renamed the FormID's based on what the original esp was expecting to come next. So really, I think I renumbered them perfectly, so it's as if I started from scratch and remade the worldspace in the geck. I can open it in the geck and look at both worldspaces, as well as entering both ingame. The present one even has the navmesh (although it does need refinalizing, but I'm doing that now), and looks just fine.

I believe it copied over and I am done here. Now to take the present version of the worldspace and make it all pretty. :P

Thanks everyone!
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:00 pm

That should do it then. Here's hoping all works out :KnockOnWood:
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