I am trying to mod and the problem is when I try to enable the Data on the launcher, It will not allow me to save! It keeps sending me to save it but when I do save it, It saves as a text and does not overwrite my current skyrimprefs! Please help!
I am trying to mod and the problem is when I try to enable the Data on the launcher, It will not allow me to save! It keeps sending me to save it but when I do save it, It saves as a text and does not overwrite my current skyrimprefs! Please help!
What do you mean by extension? Thanks for replying btw
So Do I add .ini to the name of the file name or do I select it from encoding?
I did what you said and got this
"Skyrimprefs.ini already exists,
Would you like to replace it?"
When I click yes it says "Skyrimprefs
this file is read only.Try again with a different file name"
Thank you so much! I have been trying forever to get it working! Thank you so much and thanks again for the quick replies! <3
Have you disabled UAC ???? (and ckeck the attributes of your Skyrimprefs.ini - and unckeck read-only)
Be wary though there are 2 Skyrimprefs.ini files and they are different, one is in the installation folder/Skyrim and the other is in My documents/my games/skyrim
You have to change it in the My documents folder
make sure you're editting the SkryimPrefs.ini in your User\[Account name]\Documents\My Games\Skrim folder.
Add [Launcher] bEnableFileSelection=1 at the TOP of the SkyrimPref.ini
Look for the line:
And add it like this:
Go to "...Documents\My Games\Skyrim\"
- Right click "SkyrimPrefs.ini" and open properties
- Make sure that "read only" is ticked off
- Open "Start menu" and in the search field type "notepad" (Do not click anything yet)
- Right click notepad shortcut and click "Run as admin"
- With now opened norepad, open "Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini"
- Search for [Launcher] section and make sure this is on it bEnableFileSelection=1