I Can't Enter the Hall of Valor after beating Tsun.

Post » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:21 pm

Hello everyone. I am having a very strange glitch happen that I can't fix because I have seen absolutely no other reports of this happening to anyone else anywhere on the internet. However, I do have the save file of the game in tact, so if anyone would like me to send them a video recording of the issue, I will happily do so. That being said, once I reach Sovngarde to fight Alduin, I reach Tsun and challenge him to the warriors test. After defeating him, he allows me to cross the bridge. Normally, after you beat him, you get a quest arrow pointing to the Hall of Valor telling you to enter, I did not. My quest status updated telling me to go into the Hall of Valor, but when I tried going in (I tried all of the doors), the door just opens, with me not being taken inside. The game doesn't freeze, there isn't any transition or any indication of anything happening at all. I can just open and shut the doors at will. I even attempted using console commands to teleport myself inside the hall, and that didn't even work. So, if anyone knows why this is happening or if they could help at all, I would be very very appreciative.

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Katie Pollard
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Post » Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:02 pm

Hmm, never heart of that, obviously something got glitched in your game.

  • Have you any mod(s) that can interfere with your quest ???
  • Have you installed the unofficially Skyrim patch. ???
  • Have you other older saves to try ??? (If yes wait for 10 (in-game days) to another location before you enter Sovngarde
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Andrew Perry
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