It didn't work, but that's useful info.
I'll detail what I'm doing so everybody has a better perspective on how I'm going about going about this....
....upload mesh 'Face Brown Eyesxxxx'
Original source texture - 'Face Brown Eyes'
.....insert-->sourcetexture 'b_v_face02' [2nd texture]
***I also have another mesh named 'face brown eyes' which I also link to the source texture 'Face Brown Eyes' but that doesn't use the vampire texture.
IN CS.....
I'm linking the playable head mesh as 'Face Brown Eyesxxxx' and checking to see if it works, then linking it to 'Face Brown Eyes' and neither works
My vampire head is linked to the 'Face Brown Eyesxxxx' mesh
EDIT: I just realized you said the mesh needs to be named that, so instead of Face Brown Eyesxxxx it is now b_v_face01....I am still encountering the same problems, however.