Can I find a lost NPC somehow? xbox360

Post » Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:38 pm

Hello guys. I have a minor issue (due to my bad I guess). So I started the Dawnguard main questline, and got the quest "Bloodline" (Dimhollow Crypt - Serena ). I agreed to lead Serena home, and she started to act like a follower ( I could give her orders, trade, etc.). But, after we exit the dungeon I fast traveled to sell some stuff, and then Serena disappeared. I'm searching for her for a day now or two, but I have nothing. I went back to the dungeon, nothing. I was waiting her at the boat which would take us to the HQ of the vampires. Nothing. I have a feeling, that when I was talking to her, and trading stuff I might pressed the "wait here" order... Is there any solution to find her? I tried to walk around the places I have been with her, but nothing. I would appreciate some help. Thanks anyways. (XBOX 360 forgot to mention)

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helen buchan
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