Can't find Piper Wright anywhere, and need quests

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:40 am

I have looked everywhere and still cannot find her anywhere. I looked at every settlement I can send a follower, not there. Not in Publick Occurences at day or night. I have done all quests with her. The last time I saw her was after I killed the mayyor, and I haven't seen her yet. i have Xbox One so I can't use console commands.

Should I call Nick Valentine ;D

Also, I am a little low on quests. I am finding more but I am getting sick of just these minutemen quests with like a new fun one like every other day. I talk to a lot of people in both Goodneighbor and Diamind City. I have done the main sotry plus BoS. If you have any fun/ not minutemen quests please tell me! :sadvaultboy:

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Kaylee Campbell
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