I had no intention of playing MW again(been 5 years) but I saw MW overhaul and that greatly eases the task of starting a new game. Right now I am playing FNV, but may play MW when I finish(need something till SR). Most of the mods I used for MW back in the day are dated or my tastes have evolved(or like COM are still around and still great). So in matching my new tastes I am trying to look for the follow types of mods:
-Sprint button like the ones for FO3 and FNV (like FWE and Project Nevada).
-2x global damage increases like from FWE and XFO. Or something similar that makes combat more deadly perhaps by adding new high level monsters to the level list that only show up when you reach x level.
-Level ranged scaling like FO3(and what Skyrim will have). I really noticed the effects of a more MW style of scaling(I.e less scaling) in FNV, when so few fights match up to your level, there either too hard or too easy. OB went overboard but I now realize how much better scaling done right improves an open world rpg like any of Beths games, FO3(with mod minor tweaks) had constantly excited fights for nearly 100 hours. Again just added new monsters to the level list would be better than nothing(I think MW used that kind of scaling, so this is possible...).
-OB style combat, active blocking/always hit when it looks like it does,etc.(I have seen the blocking thing, but there seems to be more than one and I am just confused)
-Slower leveling, I am leaning toward Madd, but I also want to slow down how fast I level, cut in half would be nice.
Any thing like the above? Thanks for the help.