Hey, I finished the MQ last week, via The Minutemen ending, Sturgis took synth Shaun back to Sanctuary, he said. But I have been unable to find him, any help would be much appreciated.
Hey, I finished the MQ last week, via The Minutemen ending, Sturgis took synth Shaun back to Sanctuary, he said. But I have been unable to find him, any help would be much appreciated.
If you are on PC, try opening the console and typing this:
player.moveto "0005c338"
If it works as intended, you should be teleported to mini-Shaun.
Yep...it's missing in my game too. Might have something to do with me not taking the assassination droid with me out of the institute before it went boom but the result is still the same...it's missing. Which is a good thing.....you'll probably get to live much longer this way.
LOL. I took the evasive answer when first he said "Take me with you" then Sturgis said "You're really leaving that kid" so i went back and said "Come on" havent seen him since....
I'm on console Akul, but thank you very much.
And what is it you think you see? Someone who abandoned a child to die or someone who would not be tricked by a machine? Make no mistake, the synths are machines no matter how human-like they may seem. Jump to 1:40:50 for your proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGJ8lqhC9QE
Man no matter how you feel about synths, Shaun was clear about how he felt about them. Robo Shaun is clearly programmed to do something [censored] up down the line.
Eh, that thing was not my son, and it was creepy as all hell.
Well, it would definitely be one heck of a way to get revenge against the Sole Survivor XD
I adopted the kid because I felt bad and also wanted the Wazer Wifle, but afaiac my canon ending is that Stark put two plasma burns in it.
which is merciful, given that the brotherhood probably would want to dissect it.
Oh yeah he sure loved me. Woke me up without telling me what was going on. Let me wander the wasteland with the full expectation that it would kill me. Let synths try to kill me repeatedly.
Yeah, Shaun doesn't love you. He's moderately amused and I guess somewhat touched if you still love him after all that he deliberately let you go through, but he himself is a scientist conducting experiments. He maybe gets a little sentimental in his final hours, but who doesn't?
And synth!Shaun is always an abomination. And I say that while not even personally being against synth 'rights'.
Even the rest of the Institute is creeped out by Synth Shaun.
It takes quite something to creep out a boogieman ;P
After killing countless people, and going through hell and back, you've lost your (synth) son?!
Let's save this one for Fallout 5..
A very interesting quip of conversation to be sure. I have been wondering if Shaun might have tried to dodge death by attempting to transfer his consciousness into a Synth much as Curie did since Synth brains are a sort of middle ground between human and machine. I wonder if he finds a way to survive if left behind......combine that with the spouse potentially still being alive and a family reunion DLC could be quite explosive no matter what choices you made or who you sided with.
I have suspicions that some people in Railroad are saving Synths in order to put dead people's memories into them. It is a theory with no proof, but it would explain why the Railroad is so fond of convincing them to get mem-wiped (but I don't think Des and her gang are aware of it, just some Safehouses).
I don't think so because when you kill the harpy she says something like "
like she's talking to someone who passed. like her husband or whatever