So I was working on shadow of steel, and I got to the last task, report to paladin danse. I went up to him and the dialogue options appeared as normal initially, but when he asked if I wanted him to come with me to talk to the crew I chose to let him decide, and as he was in the middle of saying that he would come with me he suddenly stops. An npc might have clipped into him from behind, I don't know. I do know I had Piper as my companion. But my dialogue with him was left unfinished, and now talking to him he will only say "I'll be in the mess hall if you need me. Good luck with maxson." So in other words, he thinks I still haven't reported to maxson, but I clearly have and trying to talk to maxson he will tell me to report to danse. There is the green marker right above danse's head.
This leaves Shadow of Steel unfinished, and if I talk to any of the Brotherhood npcs with dialogue options (save for only the doctor in the back), they say they will talk to me after I have reported to danse and maxson. Unfortunately, going back and forth on the airship and through its many doors trying to fix it had overwritten my autosaves, and my most recent save was before I had gotten 2 very awesome weapons from legendaries like a half hour before that I am entirely unwilling to lose. So I can't revert to previous saves.
Is there any fix for this? There are many brotherhood of steel quests that I am locked out of or can't complete, and I lose a potential follower and their perk for idolizing me.
I need help...