I wouldn't go returning the game.. Unless you can get a full refund, depends on the store you bought it from I guess.. Sooner or later they'll have the major bugs fixed and you'll be able to play it. I just remember back to all the majorly bugged games I've played in the past and how I still enjoy playing those games now that they're all patched up. Granted most of those games are on the PC and pc communities do a major amount of fixing with older games. , Kotor 2, Vampire-Bloodlines, Gothic 3, F1/F2, Baldur's gate 1-2, Planescape Torment. Great Pc games, Terribly buggy when first released.. Now pretty fantastic.. especially with the community fixes, patches and mods. F3, Oblivion, RDR, Bioshock 1, 2, GTAIV. all majorly buggy games for the Xbox on release.. People just seem to forget. Most games get fixed up within the month and all the major bugs become history. Then all you hear about are minor bugs that just become part of the expected gameplay.
Yes the PC community is very collaborative in it's fixes, but I played Oblivion, 1,2, GTA4, Bioshock 1,2, (RDR red dead redemption?) and FO3 and didn't experience any bugs, especially game breaking bugs (though I did have some px with oblivion and just a trace on Fallout3 even though I bought it very soon after release. Im more accustomed to crashes in the PC world because that's what happens on most PCs (thus why I now own a Mac and suffer far far fewer problems with performance {primarily for music production}).
I am speculating aloud in hopes that Bethesda will eventually address these concerns RE current fixes as well as consider prices and content for future DLC. If I had abandoned the franchise I wouldnt be here for the past three days scouring these threads for answers. I don't blog or stalk forums (typically) this being my exception. What troubles me currently is the detrimental effect of attempting to play this game is crashing my xbox, which is never good for hardware that already has a checkered past...I went from PC gaming to xbox so that I could sit on a couch and share more of my game experience with my gf(s).