If you mean in-game settings, I have those on max already (wish I could put them even higher, I still see stuff draw in), I was talking about run speeds higher than what you're doing tho.

Ah okay. I would recommend using a third-party program like New Vegas Configator if you want to set your draw higher. Fairly easy, straightforward, and applies the changes to both your default.ini and prefs.ini (though if you use fallout.ini like I do, you have to take that extra step of C and P'ing the default.ini into fallout.ini).
I left mine at default and added a .10 increase bonus to one of the Tag skills. It's been enough for me, even without Travel Light. Oddly when I tried faster, I found I don't like to speed past things that much. But like you, I don't wear heavy armors.
Yeah, at 5, it feels as though you're just zooming through without a care in the world. Often times, I would tend to not be able to control it and run into objects. :laugh:
I think the default speed just needed a little extra more to applicable, like your .1 addition, or possible adding 15% instead of 10% to Travel Light. I just find 4.25 to be a suitable speed for me. I may want to tune down Travel Light though to accommodate for it. Now I'm thinking 4.675 is too fast. That and/or keep on adjusting the initial run speed.
Another alternative would be the infamous Sprint option that a good portion of PC players love that takes up your AP.