Can't get into New Vegas...

Post » Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:49 am

Note: This thread undoubtably contains spoilers.

Hello, I really loved Fallout 3, I played it obsessively, bought all DLC, made many level 30 characters etc. I absolutely ADORED it. So when I heard about New Vegas, I pre-ordered it. However, when it was finally released, it had that crashing problem. :brokencomputer: I ended up just finishing it with the Wild Card ending and waited for a patch to be released. So now, it's a year on, and I decided I wanted to play it again and give it another chance. However, I just can't get into character. In Fallout 3, I knew who my character was. He was the son/daughter of Catherine and James. In New Vegas, I'm a faceless courier. I'm a nobody. I have nothing to cling to in the world. I play it, but then the world just seems 2D. Something about it just doesn't impress me like Fallout 3. In Fallout 3, there was that hopelessness feeling; the trees and plants were all ruined (With an obvious exception), wheras in New Vegas the place has plants growing back! Fallout 3 also felt desolate, but it was a good desolate; you could see broken skeletons of buildings in the distance, however in New Vegas you can just see the side of rocky cliffs, none of which you can climb. When you come to a high area, the place is just empty looking.

Theres also the fact that I can't really feel who the 'Evil' people are. In Fallout 3, the Enclave killed my Father, and thus I have a reason to fight against them. In New Vegas, neither House, the NCR or Caesars Legion have done anything bad to me. Now I understand that the Fallout world is all about Morally Grey Areas, but I also want the developers to help guide me. In Fallout 3, I had to assist the BoS; they may be mutationists, but they actually try to help the wasters, the Enclave however may have the goal of a pure america, but I can't see this plan working. House and the NCR and Caesar all have their own plans, some parts of which I support, others I don't. The area is just too morally grey.

The map also felt really small compared the the Capitol Wasteland, which had the interior DC areas which you had to trek through the Metro's to reach. It might be the fact in New Vegas that Invisible walls which limit the game area; this really fustrated me, as I think if I can see something, I should be able to reach it. I also felt that the Mojave Wastes weren't dangerous feeling enough. In F3, humanity was secluded to a few small towns. From what I experienced in New Vegas, Humanity was everywhere.

Another thing which didn't feel the same about New Vegas was the Radio Stations. Enclave radio brought about a sense of Patriotism; and I'm not even American. GNR brought hope. I felt really proud when I boosted the signal. Like I was making something better for the whole world. In New Vegas, there was the stange, wierd mutant radio station, and the other radio station. Neither had 'inspiring' songs. The only one I like is Jingle Jangle Jingle. I mean, I know the Geography is wrong, but I feel I could enjoy New Vegas a lot more if it had GNR.

Sorry about that rant, but I can't easily get into New Vegas. Can anyone help me?
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Sarah Knight
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