Who's idea was it to get rid of the Athletics skill? Ridiculous. It was one of the main reasons to go exploring and climb up mountains. Now there's really little need to bother and it makes the player less interested on exploring.
Yeah there's LOTS of quests. But who cares if they're all mindless, boring and recycled rubbish we've seen a million times before? Less quests and more substance would have been the right way to go.
Why don't enemies follow you outside load zones as much? I lost count the amount of times I was getting owned by three enemies, and left the building, to find they didn't follow. When I go back into the area seconds later the enemies are unaware of my presence again and with the same amount of health. WHAT A JOKE! I used to like nothing more than getting enemies to follow me into the city so they could get owned by guads and I could loot the place. No longer do I feel unsafe but now we have loading zones protecting us. Brilliant!
Levelling. I took out a tough NPC early on in the game with 37 damage, but no matter what quests I do I can find nothing anywhere near as powerful. I mean come on! No point in exploring anymore.
Bethesda you have disappointed me for the first time. I hope you fix these issues or I'll be returning my game