Can't get into Skyrim

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:03 am

I wanted to play this game so much when I got hold of it. I've played a total of ten hours or so and I'm disappointed, there's very little which makes me go "WOW" like Oblivion did. It feels different, the world is not as alive and the voice actors are average at best. Stop recycling the voice actors from Thief please.

Who's idea was it to get rid of the Athletics skill? Ridiculous. It was one of the main reasons to go exploring and climb up mountains. Now there's really little need to bother and it makes the player less interested on exploring.

Yeah there's LOTS of quests. But who cares if they're all mindless, boring and recycled rubbish we've seen a million times before? Less quests and more substance would have been the right way to go.

Why don't enemies follow you outside load zones as much? I lost count the amount of times I was getting owned by three enemies, and left the building, to find they didn't follow. When I go back into the area seconds later the enemies are unaware of my presence again and with the same amount of health. WHAT A JOKE! I used to like nothing more than getting enemies to follow me into the city so they could get owned by guads and I could loot the place. No longer do I feel unsafe but now we have loading zones protecting us. Brilliant!

Levelling. I took out a tough NPC early on in the game with 37 damage, but no matter what quests I do I can find nothing anywhere near as powerful. I mean come on! No point in exploring anymore.

Bethesda you have disappointed me for the first time. I hope you fix these issues or I'll be returning my game
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:38 pm

You loved Oblivion that much? I feel sorry for you...

If you said Morrowind I would've defended you til death..
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:53 pm

Each to their own even though it has faults it betters oblivion in every way. Maybe your hype/nostalgia is ruining the game. Oh and voice actors? Average to oblivion? Seriously???
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:52 am

"I'll return my game Bethesda". Do it. Just don't whine to me about it.
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SWagg KId
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:36 pm

well svcks to be u aye!
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:07 am

^as for voice overs, I have constantly showed my disappointment (not in the performance, but the loss of racial uniqueness of their voices).

For me, Morrowind = or > Skyrim

but both definitely defeats Oblivion.
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:42 pm

there's very little which makes me go "WOW" like Oblivion did

Really?.....really? Well, I have to ask was Oblivion your first TES game? It's not a flame bait its a legit question. Morrowind was my first TES game and Oblivion first came out I spent a lot of time here on the boards complaining about how it wasn't like Morrowind, how everything was generic fantasy (simply describing it as different would have been putting it more accurately). So trust me, if this is the case for you also it's going to take some time or maybe some mods and Skyrim might get a second wind out of you. If not, then we each have our opinions.

I'm just saying its probably less the games fault and more your expectations based on how impressed you were with Oblivion personally.
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:54 pm

I'm glad athlectics is gone, they removed so everyone isn't a Michael-Phelps-on-land by the end of the game. The only repeating quests are the radiant ones, which just are there for something to do. You can't be to that point at only 10 hours. You don't feel safe? Wait till a dragon decides to wander into a nice, safe, and walled city. If anything, Oblivion was more generic with the "go close Oblivion gates x, y, and z" quests and only a handful of voice actors.
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:30 am

No flaming please I would like some comments on the points I made particuarily about the AI not following you outside load zones. Dragons may do but other NPC's should as well. They should definitely NOT become unaware if you pass through the load zone like I've seen happen so many times.

Really?.....really? Well, I have to ask was Oblivion your first TES game? It's not a flame bait its a legit question. Morrowind was my first TES game and Oblivion first came out I spent a lot of time here on the boards complaining about how it wasn't like Morrowind, how everything was generic fantasy (simply describing it as different would have been putting it more accurately). So trust me, if this is the case for you also it's going to take some time or maybe some mods and Skyrim might get a second wind out of you. If not, then we each have our opinions.

I'm just saying its probably less the games fault and more your expectations based on how impressed you were with Oblivion personally.

No I played Morrowind back in 2004 sometime but it didn't grab me the way Oblivion did.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:27 pm

I wanted to play this game so much when I got hold of it. I've played a total of ten hours or so and I'm disappointed, there's very little which makes me go "WOW" like Oblivion did. It feels different, the world is not as alive and the voice actors are average at best. Stop recycling the voice actors from Thief please.

Who's idea was it to get rid of the Athletics skill? Ridiculous. It was one of the main reasons to go exploring and climb up mountains. Now there's really little need to bother and it makes the player less interested on exploring.

Yeah there's LOTS of quests. But who cares if they're all mindless, boring and recycled rubbish we've seen a million times before? Less quests and more substance would have been the right way to go.

Why don't enemies follow you outside load zones as much? I lost count the amount of times I was getting owned by three enemies, and left the building, to find they didn't follow. When I go back into the area seconds later the enemies are unaware of my presence again and with the same amount of health. WHAT A JOKE! I used to like nothing more than getting enemies to follow me into the city so they could get owned by guads and I could loot the place. No longer do I feel unsafe but now we have loading zones protecting us. Brilliant!

Levelling. I took out a tough NPC early on in the game with 37 damage, but no matter what quests I do I can find nothing anywhere near as powerful. I mean come on! No point in exploring anymore.

Bethesda you have disappointed me for the first time. I hope you fix these issues or I'll be returning my game

Say wut?
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:31 pm

I don't agree with all of OPs points but I agree that Oblivion is better than Skyrim and Skyrim's difficulty & balance is more screwed up than Oblivion's. You notice how Skyrim's difficulty and balance is screwed up shortly after the intro when you destroy your first wolf.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:01 pm

I wanted to play this game so much when I got hold of it. I've played a total of ten hours or so and I'm disappointed, there's very little which makes me go "WOW" like Oblivion did. It feels different, the world is not as alive and the voice actors are average at best. Stop recycling the voice actors from Thief please.

Who's idea was it to get rid of the Athletics skill? Ridiculous. It was one of the main reasons to go exploring and climb up mountains. Now there's really little need to bother and it makes the player less interested on exploring.

Yeah there's LOTS of quests. But who cares if they're all mindless, boring and recycled rubbish we've seen a million times before? Less quests and more substance would have been the right way to go.

Why don't enemies follow you outside load zones as much? I lost count the amount of times I was getting owned by three enemies, and left the building, to find they didn't follow. When I go back into the area seconds later the enemies are unaware of my presence again and with the same amount of health. WHAT A JOKE! I used to like nothing more than getting enemies to follow me into the city so they could get owned by guads and I could loot the place. No longer do I feel unsafe but now we have loading zones protecting us. Brilliant!

Levelling. I took out a tough NPC early on in the game with 37 damage, but no matter what quests I do I can find nothing anywhere near as powerful. I mean come on! No point in exploring anymore.

Bethesda you have disappointed me for the first time. I hope you fix these issues or I'll be returning my game

Fact: Skyrim is better than vanilla Oblivion and you had way too big expectations for Skyrim.

I suggest you to return the game and leave the forums, thanks.
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:51 pm

sand is better than dirt always has been always will be!
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lacy lake
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:24 pm

I read up until the point where you compared Skyrim to Oblivion and then said the voice acting was average at best. After I had stopped pissing myself laughing, I realised that you probably haven't played either game.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:41 pm

i cant disagree with everything. but i still think its better then oblivion.

voices in skyrim are 100000x better though.

also skyrim made me go "wow" and oblivion just failed at that.

oblivion also had tons of recycled garbage.

oblivion wasn't a good comparison.

i just expected more from skyrim.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:17 pm

oblivion stinks compared to skyrim
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:23 pm

Fact: Skyrim is better than vanilla Oblivion and you had way too big expectations for Skyrim.

I suggest you to return the game and leave the forums, thanks.

I think your understanding of the word "fact" is a bit skewed.

Anyway, as for the OP's points...

Enemies not following you into loadzones is one of my complaints as well, but I don't remember enemies following you into cities in Oblivion either.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:39 am

I think your understanding of the word "fact" is a bit skewed.

Anyway, as for the OP's points...

Enemies not following you into loadzones is one of my complaints as well, but I don't remember enemies following you into cities in Oblivion either.

They at least wandered into the gates where guard AI would take care of them.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:36 am

Told you folks, now that TES IV is a thing of the past, old gentelmen will whine its awesomeness, and It'll be the new nostalgia'ed game. Can't wait till TES VI comes out, so that Skyrim starts being a good game.

IMO, nostalgia aside, Skyrim = Morrowind > Oblivion, although modding turned TES IV into an awesomeness machine. Let's hope that modders keep being that awesome.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:09 pm

Told you folks, now that TES IV is a thing of the past, old gentelmen will whine It's awesomeness, and It'll be the new nostalgia'ed game. Can't wait till TES VI comes out, so that Skyrim starts being a good game.

IMO, nostalgia aside Skyrim = Morrowind > Oblivion, although modding turned TES IV into an awesomeness machine. Let's hope that modders keep being that awesome.

"TES VI is sooo casual and dumbed down! I remember the good old days of Skyrim. Shame on you Bethesda!" :tongue:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:36 pm

You will be sorely missed OP. Send us a postcard.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:18 pm

Sorry you feel that way. IMO Skyrim is better than oblvion in every way shape or form and is possibly the best RPG ever made. I'm the complete opposite of disappointed, i'm very impressed. Great game, it's different than oblivion but definitely for the better.
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:43 am

LMFAO is this kid serious? Did he really say that oblivion felt more alive!? There goes your credibility, and I leave you with a GG.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:23 pm

For me Skyrim >Oblivion hands down. This game is like crack. Don’t crucify me for saying this but the mood of the game feels a bit like Morrowind with better graphics. Less hyper-color fantasy, more gritty reality. The quests are way better so far (speaking from level 21). I do still feel like a lot of options are disappearing in the name of streamlined game play, but it’s a trade off I guess. My only major complaint is that in trying to streamline skills/attributes into just health/magic/stamina, they forgot some stuff, like if I am a vampire I want to be physically stronger and faster. Now that strength and speed don’t change I wish vamps got an increases carrying capacity and what happened to resist normal weapons? As a mage I really miss being able to prime a target with weakness spells but now I will have to rely on alchemy and bow skills for that I guess. The perks like impact dual casting make up for it a bit but my traditional pure mage is now more combat centric. That I don’t like, but I have made it to level 21 unarmored, using no weapons and I own most opponents with destruction magic. So far this game is awesome, it just requires a bit of rethinking how to play it.
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:10 pm

Who's idea was it to get rid of the Athletics skill? Ridiculous. It was one of the main reasons to go exploring and climb up mountains. Now there's really little need to bother and it makes the player less interested on exploring.

Personally, I've always found exploring to be the main reason to go exploring and climb up mountains. The drive to see what's there. :)

Exploring is my favorite part of these games - heck, in most of my subsequent plays of Oblivion and FO3, I mostly ignore the main quests... I just run off into the distance to see what's hiding behind that next hill. And despite that, I've never cared about Athletics in Oblivion. Never tagged it, never trained it, barely ever noticed when it "dinged". It's made such a small impact on my play of Oblivion that I'm always honestly surprised when I see posts talking about how essential it was.

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