So one thing that's been bugging me for ever in Skyrim is the stupid AI. I mean both in combat and out of combat. So here' what I want to see different in the next Elder scrolls game!
1. Guards... I mean really, guards need to be helpful unlike in skyrim were they give lame one liners... I want to walk into a city for the first time and they say something like "Hey, I don't recognize you, what do you need to know?" "Where's the tavern?" "Where's the armorer?" "Where's the guilds?" So on so forth like in Oblivion...
2. Actually saying relevant things. So i'm the leader of the companions, killed thousands of bandits and wild animals and what do the guards say to me? "Hey you're that new companion, so what, you fetch the mead?" Really??? How hard is to make it so that once you finish a certain part or do something, it cancels a dialog option. So when you raise to the next rank in the companions you can't be called a new companion anymore.
3. More people on the roads. yes I know, it's dangerous in Skyrim but people still need to get around... I hardly ever see anyone on the roads except the farmers with the cows... their just annoying... I'd also like to see supply carts.
4. Supply carts! how in the world do merchants get their goods? I want to see supply carts that... may or may not be vulnerable to robberies... *wink wink*
5. Buyers... have you ever seen someone, a random person, buying something from a merchant like the riverwood trader or the prawned pawn? I havn't in my 150+ hours of skyrim... or my 50+ hours of oblivion... never ever! why? I want to hear bardering going on between the two...
6. What bar fights? I hear the inn keeper in whiterun say "The storm cloaks sure are roudy, seems like every night a table is broken..." Again I've posted this before but seriously, you walk into an inn full of nords and it's quite... a bad bard is playing and no one is talking... i want yelling, drunken people wandering, fights breaking out! I want a nordic inn feeling!!
7. player animations. There doesn't seem to be a game that can get this right. I want to walk into an inn, buy some mead and see my character drink it instead of it just dissapearing from my inventory. I want to lean against a post... I want to sit in a chair and no look uncomfortable... I want animations. (yes there's a mod for that but not everyone wants to get a fancy computer to run a game when we know that a console can run it)
Well I think that's about it... you could almost say it's a rant but it's a good list. Thoughts? oh and no console Vs. computer fights... only skyrim!