Can't get this script to work properly (Summoning

Post » Thu May 23, 2013 7:21 pm

So I'm trying to add a new spell that summons a hoard of rats to fight for the player, for the most part is works, however, once the rats are summoned they are VERY aggressive, they even attack eachother. I've tried lowering the creature's agression both through the creature editor and through script and I've tried adding playerfaction and removing all factions, nothing seems to work...

Scriptname summonratswarm extends ActiveMagicEffect  ACTORBASE PROPERTY rat AUTOFaction Property PlayerFaction  Auto  Actor rat1Actor rat2Actor rat3Actor rat4Actor rat5EVENT onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)		rat1 = akCaster.placeatme(rat, 1) as actor		rat2 = akCaster.placeatme(rat, 1) as actor		rat3 = akCaster.placeatme(rat, 1) as actor		rat4 = akCaster.placeatme(rat, 1) as actor		rat5 = akCaster.placeatme(rat, 1) as actorendEVENT EVENT onEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 		rat1.disable()		rat2.disable()		rat3.disable()		rat4.disable()		rat5.disable()endEVENT
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Wayne Cole
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