So I can't give my house the personal touch?

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:42 pm

Im going to add this to my post, what should be changed/added
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Matt Terry
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:54 am

Anyway, to fix this, drop your item, leave the cell, reenter, then leave and reenter. Now pace your stuff and it will stay.

And it may help to do this with your fingers crossed, chicken bones scattered around your monitor or TV, while wearing your lucky underwear and facing N by NW. With the game volume adjusted to precisely 74.
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:57 pm

And it may help to do this with your fingers crossed, chicken bones scattered around your monitor or TV, while wearing your lucky underwear and facing N by NW. With the game volume adjusted to precisely 74.

Its worked every time for me, voodoo not withstanding.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:09 pm

Its worked every time for me, voodoo not withstanding.

I have no doubt.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:28 pm

There are 6 in Skyrim. That's only 2 less than Oblivion and 5 more than Morrowind.

As for decorating: The bug with items being on the floor only occurs the first time you place them. So what you can do to not waste hours on decorating only to have to do it again is to go into your house, drop everything you want to place around on the floor, exit the house, and re-enter to place them on shelves and such. Every time you come back now, your stuff will be where you put it and not on the floor.

It should still be fixed, obviously, but at least you can work around it in the meantime.

Just tried this. It worked. Thanks for the tip.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:07 am

^ Not worse, no. Not ideal, but not worse. At all.

  • In Oblivion, people didn't sink THROUGH a chair/bed and spasm for 2 minutes when I killed them.
  • In Oblivion, when you grabbed an object, it moved at that exact point. You could even tip buckets to see if anything was hidden inside.
  • In Oblivion, you could actually throw something with force using the grab feature. Oh yes you could. I did it many times to actually fling things. (using a mouse...not sure how it was with joysticks)
  • Arranging things on tables was a breeze in Oblivion. Because you could grab the tip and nudge in any direction you wanted.

So I'm failing to see how, since Skyrim can't do ANY of this, it's not worse than Oblivion in the physics dept...
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neil slattery
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:48 am

  • In Oblivion, people didn't sink THROUGH a chair/bed and spasm for 2 minutes when I killed them.
  • In Oblivion, when you grabbed an object, it moved at that exact point. You could even tip buckets to see if anything was hidden inside.
  • In Oblivion, you could actually throw something with force using the grab feature. Oh yes you could. I did it many times to actually fling things. (using a mouse...not sure how it was with joysticks)
  • Arranging things on tables was a breeze in Oblivion. Because you could grab the tip and nudge in any direction you wanted.

So I'm failing to see how, since Skyrim can't do ANY of this, it's not worse than Oblivion in the physics dept...

Don't forget drop food and actually arrange it on a plate and or dish! Seems like in Skyrim it floats above it worse then oblivion.
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k a t e
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:24 am

  • In Oblivion, people didn't sink THROUGH a chair/bed and spasm for 2 minutes when I killed them.
  • In Oblivion, you could actually throw something with force using the grab feature. Oh yes you could. I did it many times to actually fling things. (using a mouse...not sure how it was with joysticks)
  • Arranging things on tables was a breeze in Oblivion. Because you could grab the tip and nudge in any direction you wanted.

1) I had that happen all the [censored] time in Oblivion. Guess how often it's happened in Skyrim? Not at all.

2) You can do that in Skyrim, too.

3) This one is all opinion. I find it much easier to arrange things because of the auto-center.

However, in cases of arranging things I almost always use Telekinesis both in Skyrim and in Oblivion; because Telekinesis LET'S YOU ROTATE AND "ZOOM" OBJECTS. Yes, Telekinesis is in Skyrim; though, I think it's only found on Staffs. But it works EXACTLY THE SAME as it did in Oblivion.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:47 am

I've been cheesebombing my house. It's mostly staying put. The bread stayed in its box. But the wine in the overturned chair ended up elsewhere.

Why can't I use both shelves of the bookcase, though?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:44 am

I dunno how to fix it, but I have managed to decorate my home safely in Solitude. I have a statue of Dibella, and an amulet of Dibella on the little table in the corner next to a candle, and the Bee in a Jar on the bookshelf on the opposite side of the room.

It's likely as people say. Place an item, let it fall over, then place it again and it stays.

Still, I could never really get my bust of Grey Fox standing on the desk again in the thieves guild no matter what. I think I actually lost it somewhere.

Vigilance pushed over a platter of sweetrolls (It was kinda cute. I was all "No... NO! NO VIGILANCE! Don't you do it!! *Clatter* Ohhh nooo!! Vigilance! bad dog!) and I tried to put them back, and failed. I came back later, and the platter actually reset with the rolls, and apples, and stuff nearby. Was nice.

Maybe we can get a guide to decorate homes some time?
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Madison Poo
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:32 am

Why can't I use both shelves of the bookcase, though?

You can; you have to specifically open each shelf on it's own.

Look at the first shelf, fill it. Look down at the other shelf, and then fill that.
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Karine laverre
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:11 pm

Thanks, but I just broke my bookshelf. :-( I filled the bottom, or overfilled, and now it has nothing and won't select. All the ones on the top are stuck now.
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