I'm planning to play Fallout 3 basic edition with the Add-on Pack #2 (Broken Steel and Point Lookout) and some mods (Some heavy like FWE, MMM and Quest mods. I don't plan to use heavy world texture replacers).
I'd like to know if with my specs I can handle the modded game:
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 2.53GHz
GPU NVidia GeForce 9600 1.024Mb VRAM
2Gb RAM DDR2 (I will surely upgrade to 4 Gb)
OS Windows Vista Home Basic
GPU NVidia GeForce 9600 1.024Mb VRAM
2Gb RAM DDR2 (I will surely upgrade to 4 Gb)
OS Windows Vista Home Basic
The only thing I fear is the CPU, because I had problems in Oblivion with mods wich added lots of NPCs (like CM Partners), but I think that it was bacause Oblivion could not handle multicore CPUs.
Any advice will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance