So am I the only one that finds it odd that in the Fallout universe there seems to be a huge lack of Binoculars, spyglass, telescopes etc? Sure I can carry a sniper rifle to see off in the distance but jeez would have killed them to include a spyglass or something to give me a quick look of what I am walking into before I stumble on a gang of super mutants. Seriously they could have even followed along with the weapons and had a customizable set of binoculars from basic to recon.
There are a handful of other things out there that I feel like should have been obvious that were neglected like the map and way-point system being a huge pain. Also being able to eat or drink out of the barter menu would at least keep you in the feel of the game and I'd probably be much more likely to get drunk. Who is going to buy the booze, put it in inventory then go into your pip boy and drink/eat? Kills the whole moment if you ask me. Sure this game is next gen but I don't think its taking full advantage of what is there. Don't get me wrong this game is a 9.7 out of 10 in my book right now, but I am gamer and its my god given right to complain lol!
Oh, and Bethesda, A log would be nice because I don't always catch the notifications that pop on the screen like when I got Mole rat disease thanks a lot for the f'ing Molerat aids. I might have reconsidered some of my choices had I known I caught that sheet.