can we have some unique twists? like nord culture not just be inspired by vikings- but mongolians,imperial influence, dwemer influence, aylied influence,dumner influence- throw in some strange groups like canibal tribals living in the mountains and strange cults.
why should we be limeted to werewolves when the lore permits werebears, wereboars and other crazy werecreatures (add hybrids-who wants to be manbearpig? cmon you guys im super serial!)
why must we have regular vampires? skyrims lore said that there is a vampire clan that live under frozen lakes and that the vampires can travel through the ice without breaking it! they can pull you under without you knowing of their presence ( i imagine them to get wet and have the drowned effect when they get to the surface- that would be epic)
mammoths are cool, but why copy and paste? could bethesda please do something to make mammoths be different? like giving them (an) extra tusk(s) or trunk(s). maybe make them have more legs, or change the shape of the tusks, or an extra set of eyes- or something crazy!
could mammoths be mounts?
could clanfears be mounts?
could dragons be mounts? that would be very cliche- but could other flying mounts be present?
will there be slavery- can i get slaves
there are armies of undead! why cant i make an army of undead?
there are castles- can i have a castle? can i populate my castle with weird stuff? can i put a mammoth's head in the main hall, f dwemer centurions on each side, and glowing mushrooms making 50% of the light?
i can farm- but can i farm GLOWING MUSHROOMS? i want fields of glowing mushrooms!
i can cut down trees- but will there ever be trees that dont like being cut? :ninja:
why giant spiders? getting rid of them because of the minority with arachnophobia isnt stupid- its MORONIC- but why just spiders? hasnt this been done before a million and a half times? could we add some more legs? or make them more terrifying than any giant spider by adding odd features such as more mandibles,horns,spikes etc? would it noy be epic if they had an effect that allowed them to walk on walls?
why cant we have fields of oddly coloured flowers? or mushroom trees as you approach the morrowind border- maybe make eastern skyrim the scariest place in any rpg that would be suicidal to adventure!
will there be strange beasts like the things we had in morrowind? alits,guars and the other thing where much more unique than sprigans and minotaurs
speaking of minotaurs- why do they not charge with their horns? why arent there any bulls? why (other than the animal destroying me) cant i have an epic bull mount?
armour made of chitin and similar materials like druegh hide, indoril and netch leather is awsome- can we have moar?
i long for a colovian fur helm!
why do i find dreugh (or whatever that crab- tentacle thing in morrowind was) so sixy? can we have them with tentacles this time though? oblivion's version was stupid
why are there not legions of mudcrabs?
why are there no fishys? are there fish sticks?
are imperials going to be like the british- or italians? speaking of which whats with all the bad accents? why do high elves sound american? is it because they are arrogant and have no sense of humour? :chaos:
why arent khajits furry?
why cant i get tattoos? morrowind had tattoos?
if i can choose my beard- can i choose my eyebrows
why are there never any funny jokes?
why is there never any holidays? i heard khajits have a sheogorath day and all they do is get high on skooma