Did you read your own post?
You could give up blocking to cast a spell, citing the reasoning that you could cast a spell because with a two handed weapon you could have a spare hand. While at the same time stating to give up the hand, which goes against the initial reasoning that you should be able to heal because it makes sense due to the hand (it makes more sense to be able to block than heal), and it also clearly goes against what the OP was stating considering he wanted to enhance blocking for 2h weapons as well.
But hey, let's just go ahead and throw out all the changes they made to the battle system to make it more tactical and interesting and return to bland Oblivion/Morrowind combat.
surprisingly different.
Plus as always. I get into crap I don't care about. I completely agree that you will only be allowed to block or attack with 2h weapons, it's simpler that way, I was just trying to give him a way it could work so everyone would shut up. My way could work, you get rid of your ability to block *which is inferior to shield blocking* for inferior spell casting. Not saying it should be in. Just saying It could happen.
I'm done with this thread, I haven't slept in well over a day. I should stick to just supplying lore or something. All this bickering is wearing me out.