I am trekking across Skyrim and come across a rushing rapid. Oh, time to cast my water breathing spell. Unequip shield, unequip weapon, equip Waterbreathing spell, cast spell, unequip waterbreathing spell, equip shield, equip sword, swim across river. Keep walking, kill a few wolves, maybe a troll. ZOMG!! a dragon, time to run. Need my Fortify Speed spell. Unequip shield, unequip weapon, equip Fortify Speed spell, cast spell, unequip Fortify Speed spell, equip shield, equip sword, run to nearest cave. Gee, its awfully dark in here. Unequip shield, unequip weapon, equip Nighteye spell, cast spell, unequip Nighteye spell, equip shield, equip sword, start to sneak through cave. Come up on random bandit in cave. Unequip shield, unequip weapon, equip Shield spell, cast spell, unequip Shield spell, equip shield, equip sword, start to fight banidt. Uh oh, need to heal. Unequip shield, unequip weapon, equip Heal Self spell, cast spell, unequip Heal Self spell, equip shield, equip sword, continue fighting bandit.
I think you get the point......
Anything sounds boring when you write it like that. Take for instance, combat in the prior games: Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click, Left click. Sounds boring, but it's actually more entertaining than that.