Can heal with spell if you have a two handed weapon?

Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:12 pm

If your going to throw Lore into this to back you up then I must say thats a long a terrible stairs to fall down.

and Im going to put emphasis what is directly stated in the Morrowind manual

Go out, and Do anything you want.

Now of course no one is stupid enough to say NO LASER GUNS THE GAME LIES, but If I was able to do such feats in prior games, and suddenly not any more for some crap statement about tactics, then yes it is reducing features.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:23 am

If your going to throw Lore into this to back you up then I must say thats a long a terrible stairs to fall down.

and Im going to put emphasis what is directly stated in the Morrowind manual

Go out, and Do anything you want.

Now of course no one is stupid enough to say NO LASER GUNS THE GAME LIES, but If I was able to do such feats in prior games, and suddenly not any more for some crap statement about tactics, then yes it is reducing features.

Horrible reference when talking about casting spells and using weapons at the same time.
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:07 am

no its not a horrible reference, Morrowind had modes, Weapons and Magick, I didnt have to go through a menu to change weapons I just pressed a button and bam Im ready to caste, Oblivion removed the stages and made it "streamlined" as people so enjoy using that term these days for Skyrim AND for oblivion. it was such a feat that a mod was made for morrowind to having as close to oblivion styled combat as possible.

now for some reason its two steps back.

its not Ah we have morrowinds system but in addition to switching modes you can dual wield spells as a trade off, Nope whats going on here is some fable-esq crap of equiping magic which makes no sense (Equipping Magic, K) without the gauntlet system and some farce on lore were classes that wield Magic and weapons as a part of their fighting style is no longer the case.

now there is this unrealistic trade off or rather an exxagerated tradeoff (we can live with not so efficient block with Dual swords no?) were all of a sudden weapons block magic castings again :o
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:02 am

while this forces the player to find mid combat reprieve to properly heal, this cuts out long term fighting were you have to break the battle, switch to a healing spell and spam it while still being smacked around.

Hotkeys :shrug: you are still able to continue the battle without any interruptions.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:27 pm

no its not a horrible reference, Morrowind had modes, Weapons and Magick, I didnt have to go through a menu to change weapons I just pressed a button and bam Im ready to caste, Oblivion removed the stages and made it "streamlined" as people so enjoy using that term these days for Skyrim AND for oblivion. it was such a feat that a mod was made for morrowind to having as close to oblivion styled combat as possible.

now for some reason its two steps back.

its not Ah we have morrowinds system but in addition to switching modes you can dual wield spells as a trade off, Nope whats going on here is some fable-esq crap of equiping magic which makes no sense (Equipping Magic, K) without the gauntlet system and some farce on lore were classes that wield Magic and weapons as a part of their fighting style is no longer the case.

now there is this unrealistic trade off or rather an exxagerated tradeoff (we can live with not so efficient block with Dual swords no?) were all of a sudden weapons block magic castings again :o

I wonder if you get the purpose of the new system at all. They have made it this way so magic won't be a secondary playstyle. They give the opertunity too play efficiently as a pure mage or warrior. OB was almost designed for a battlemage playstyle, weakening almost every other combination. Yes OB was a step forward from MW, but I think this will be another step forward.
I know why many are complaining about this, I have played a lot of 2-handed wielding, magic throwing characters,but this is a decition the Bethesda team have made too ensure better balance in the game.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:40 am

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