Can heal with spell if you have a two handed weapon? # 2

Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:26 pm

You'd figure someone would think to let go of their two handed weapon for a second to cast a spell, but they were bound to let something slip through the cracks. That's what you get when you make someone equip spells to their hands. What was wrong with the shoulder button? How is it even balance breaking? I liked my pseudo battlemage in Oblivion. I had a sword that fried people with lightning, but apparently I won't be able to do that anymore because my hands would be glued to the sword.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:20 am

there will probably be mods that allow quick casting with 2H, but afaik the game won't have it.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:19 pm

You'd figure someone would think to let go of their two handed weapon for a second to cast a spell

Of course you'll be able to do it : equip spell on hand, cast spell, equip weapon. That's it, you just let go of your two handed weapon for a second to cast a spell.
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josh evans
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:49 am


Well then Yes

I really dislike the entire idea of being able to spell cast while both hands are busy with anything else.

Well then I really dislike the entire idea of being able to spell cast with anything else then special cast magic mode.
Guys make better suggestion, fortified with facts no just leveling up your post meter

Most of TES games before require free hands for casting spells in special mode, silence and paralyze both remove ability to cast so spells based on Verbal and somatic component, as we can see on this pictures
Casting uses verbal component or concentration of minds for activating spell while hands used as conduit for magic energies, so its like enchanting hands with appropriate spell effects combinations on fly.
So for casting an spell need at last one free hand.
But mages of Cyrodiil found way use two handed weapons and casting spells simulationsly without any problems, cast spells with both hands equipped can be done as perk in two handed weapon tree, such perk can require leveling at last in one magical school.
So beginner mage can cast beneficial spell before equipping two-handed weapon, until will train his skills to be more skilled with magic and weapons, such perk can be part of special Battlemage and Spellsword training as well as reduction of Spell Effectiveness by wearing armors and perk for reductions of spell failures by loosing concentration from enemy strike.
Number of perks is limited so it will cost of overall versatility for character (no Jack of all trades) as well as will work as better steps in specialization even without any class system.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:33 am

"I just got news that you can't heal yourself with a spell if you have a two handed weapon out?? Why?

Why can't they just make it like before where you hold your weapon in one hand while you heal yourself with a spell??

This is horrible news if it is true."


Is this the begining of Oblivion players starting to cry and complain just how we Morrowind players did for Oblvion and how we Daggerfall players did for Morrowind?

Oh this is going to be good. Finally the Oblivion players telling us to shut up, now they are doing the same lol.

All I can say is we have to wait and see how this plays out. As a previous complainer no use complaining now until we actually play the game. And then once you do play the game, you have to accept it, different game, different game play mechaincs. Weclome to the world of not playing version 2.0.
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:35 am

In MW we could cast spells with a weapon in our hands.. In OB we could.. In Skyrim we must sacrifice a slot for it.. And some complain about all of them.. cut the crap I must say for those who complain just to complain, haters will always hate. No matter what you do :shrug:
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:58 am

I don't see this as much of an issue; the dual-wield and two-hander paths seem to be intended for heavily combat oriented types, not combat/magic spellswords. Not that they can't use magic, just not as readily as those with a dual magic/combat focus. Makes sense to me. I'm sure there'll be potions for healing and it also seems likely that a character with a big two-handed weapon will go down the heavy armor route for better protection, so things should balance out.

Limitation isn't always bad; I think this system sounds a lot more interesting gameplay-wise than a "anything goes" approach.

Well I never seen Gandalf cast any spells when he was swinging with his sword when he a had a sword and staff in both hands. So it seems very plausible not casting any powers when hands have something in them.
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:06 am

Please stop using People want a carbon copy Morrowind/Oblivion or V2.0 all over again as a way to discredit them

thats taking a literal stance and realistically no one whats an exact copy of past games, they want what the games did well compounded on and present in future installments, what is wrong, with using what went RIGHT with past games, applying that to different games and then running from there?

Morrowinds spell casting system was a result of the tech used in the game as well as visual purposes for Daggerfall and below, how would it look if your sword fired Fireballs in Daggerfall? not good. we have better technology, we can finally see our characters in full 360 so the need to seperate steel and magick gameplay wise is no longer needed especially when past Lore and Class descriptions tell of Spell/Combat Hybridizations.

and its not even about want, its common sense My Ordinator char used 1 handers in Morrowind, and after he got expelled to Cyrodiil he took up Two handers and casted spells, its a play style and quite frank Im tired of people telling me what I can and cannot do in my own singleplayer game for a series that says Do anything but not Everything. I weep for the console bound players who share that sentiment and I hope there is atleast perks for this aspect so that mods aren't needed to address this.

If it doesn't effect you then move along and don't reply? saying "I never used it so I don't care" isnt contributing to the discussion
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:03 am

Is this the begining of Oblivion players starting to cry and complain just how we Morrowind players did for Oblvion and how we Daggerfall players did for Morrowind?

Personally I could care less how this game did that and this other game did this other thing.

What I care about is implementation of a system that artificially limits character build options, adds needless convolution to casting of the simplest utility spells, and breaks my 4th wall down like a wrecking ball.

I've still yet to see an actual explanation of how this would "deepen" the magic system aside from "cause I said so" or "cause this is how [game x] did it". I've also yet to see actual confirmation this is indeed how it is going to work anyway, so no point really talking about it anymore unless more specifics come to light. -_-
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:33 am

Well it's quite funny how people who loved Oblivion told people who loved Morrowind about 2.0. It goes both ways. I always said this would happen that Oblivoin fans will start complaining. It's only natural we are human, to say otherwise, will not make a difference.

I don't think it's haters are going to hate, it is just people need to express themselves of what they don't like. Problem is, some people will always take it as someone complaining instead of expressing themselves.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:00 am

What I care about is implementation of a system that artificially limits character build options, adds needless convolution to casting of the simplest utility spells, and breaks my 4th wall down like a wrecking ball.

How would it "break the 4th wall"/"ruin immersion" anymore than you have to open a menu to get into the inventory screen, or that you have to load and save the game if you fail, or the fact that you use a keyboard and a mouse (or controller)?

And why does everybody cry they won't be able to play their character types anymore? You can, you just have to be smarter about it. Want to cast buffs? Cast them before combat. Want to heal? Retreat a little then heal. Want to throw a fireball at the enemy? Wait until he's further away.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:26 am

What I care about is implementation of a system that artificially limits character build options, adds needless convolution to casting of the simplest utility spells, and breaks my 4th wall down like a wrecking ball.

Did you notice that you'd have to open the menu ANYWAY to select the spell you wanted to cast?
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:57 pm

You can dual wield in Oblivion?

oh yeah.........i forgot it was from a mod. been using mods on oblivion so long that i forget what was vanilla and what was added on later sometimes. :) technically it wasnt dual wielding since all it did was replace the meshes and textures in your left hand with another weapon and changed some animations as well i think. the irony is that ive wanted true dual wielding in TES forever and now that we have it ive lost interest and im going for the "spartan" build with a shield and polearm. :)
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:36 pm

My take:

Two Handed Weapon = Heavy
Heavy Weapon = Needs Strength
Needs Strength = Combat Proficiency
Combat Proficiency =/= Magic Proficiency


Two Handed Weapon =/= Magic Proficiency

Shield = Heavy
Heavy Shield = Needs Strength
Needs Strength = Combat Proficiency
Combat Proficiency =/= Magic Proficiency


Shield =/= Magic Proficiency

Healing Spell = Magic
Magic = Needs Magicka
Needs Magicka = Magic Proficiency


Healing Spell = Magic Proficiency

Relying on these assumptions and conclusions we see that using magic does not correlate with using heavy weapons or shields. If you want to heal and you are not a magic user then you should keep some potions in your inventory.

I should probably add that if you don't agree with this assessment, maybe Fable is more to your liking than RPGs?
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:06 am

Please stop using People want a carbon copy Morrowind/Oblivion or V2.0 all over again as a way to discredit them

thats taking a literal stance and realistically no one whats an exact copy of past games, they want what the games did well compounded on and present in future installments, what is wrong, with using what went RIGHT with past games, applying that to different games and then running from there?

Morrowinds spell casting system was a result of the tech used in the game as well as visual purposes for Daggerfall and below, how would it look if your sword fired Fireballs in Daggerfall? not good. we have better technology, we can finally see our characters in full 360 so the need to seperate steel and magick gameplay wise is no longer needed especially when past Lore and Class descriptions tell of Spell/Combat Hybridizations.

and its not even about want, its common sense My Ordinator char used 1 handers in Morrowind, and after he got expelled to Cyrodiil he took up Two handers and casted spells, its a play style and quite frank Im tired of people telling me what I can and cannot do in my own singleplayer game for a series that says Do anything but not Everything. I weep for the console bound players who share that sentiment and I hope there is atleast perks for this aspect so that mods aren't needed to address this.

If it doesn't effect you then move along and don't reply? saying "I never used it so I don't care" isnt contributing to the discussion

that is total BS. morrowind had seperate stances purely for gameplay reasons. dark messiah, which had some of the best single player medieval combat, also had different stances for weapons and magic. there is nothing stopping you from using one handers if you think your going to use magic or just use healing potions or if you must just use the quick swap buttons and equip your spells. why is it that some people insist on having uber easy gameplay where you can do everythign with no cost or downside. as several people have noted in oblivion being a battlemage was the uber class in that game. with these changes you can no longer do everything at the same time and that is a good thing in my view. now playing a pure mage actually has benefits to it.
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Helen Quill
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:31 am

Well we got our answer today in the g4 second thingy posted today. 2 handed weapons means no spells. Gona just have to equip the spell then equip the weapon.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:55 am

Me too.

Aaaaand me. Besides, didn't they say they've got a quick menu system now, mapped out for almost infinite combos. Based on that info, it could be pretty easy just to quickly swap out your sword, for example, for a healing spell, heal up and equip the sword again. The shield could stay in the other hand and protect against blows while the healing is taking place. Easy peasy. Lemon squeasy. Ho ho ho, let's all go get drunk.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:02 am

I really don't see the issue. A lot of peoples characters adjusted from Morrowind to Oblivion, and now they will from Oblivion to Skyrim. My Spellsword won't be able to block, but I'm not complaining about it. I understand that it's a drawback of wanting to hubridize two practices.

I like the fact that you have to think about your character. In Oblivion everyone and their mother had similar characters at some point or another. Now there's actually pros and cons to every playstyle. If you used to wield a claymore and a spell is it really so hard to consider a Longsword instead?
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carrie roche
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:55 pm

Were you handicapped in OB if you wanted to play a pure fighter who never cast a spell or a pure mage that never picked up any weapon other than a staff? Yeah a bit,

Well, it was a bad thing, completely counter-intuitive. And also going against "do what you like" propaganda of TES.

but those types of characters were certainly doable. One of my favorite OB characters was my pure mage in fact. Never wore anything heavier than a robe and never picked up anything other than a staff.

Eh, I doubt that you got very far with this character. I tried to play pure mages both in MW and in OB and it was quite tedius. In fact, so little thought was given to characters that wouldn't use a weapon that School of Destruction was made rather obsolete at higher levels since all the tougher monsters would get Reflection. Basically, the only way to play a pure mage in those games was to juggle tons of enchanted items. And the fact that mage attire illogically held the least amount of enchantment didn't help either.

Basically, the über-powerful battle-mages hurt the overall balance of both games, but OB's more due to the monster scaling.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:19 am

They should just prevent weapon swinging throughout the duration of the cast like in Oblivion. You can cast and swing simultaneously in Skyrim right?
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:36 pm

Why couldn't there just be a third and fourth magic slot that can only be cast when your hands are empty or your weapon is sheathed. That way you wouldn't have to fumble around with equipping a weapons, equipping it, assigned spells, etc.

You'd just sheath your weapon and have these two extra spells for this scenario.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:52 pm

that is total BS. morrowind had seperate stances purely for gameplay reasons. dark messiah, which had some of the best single player medieval combat, also had different stances for weapons and magic. there is nothing stopping you from using one handers if you think your going to use magic or just use healing potions or if you must just use the quick swap buttons and equip your spells. why is it that some people insist on having uber easy gameplay where you can do everythign with no cost or downside. as several people have noted in oblivion being a battlemage was the uber class in that game. with these changes you can no longer do everything at the same time and that is a good thing in my view. now playing a pure mage actually has benefits to it.

Your assuming I want this because it easy? oh no I want this because it makes sense. yes morrowind had that for gameplay reasons its tech is that not what I said? and how exactly is having a healing spell in one hand and a sword in the other Not easy? lol if I can drink a potion with a 2hander...why can't I heal? you need a free hand to drink right? and one handed blade and healing spell uses one hand to heal....So why is it a terrible thought to have the healing interrupt combat for a few moments, instead of completely switching out I have in my hands when I don't need to do that for potions? in Oblivion drinking potions did not have an animation, they applied immediately I don't see people complaining about that, so what makes magic different.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:49 am

Eh, I doubt that you got very far with this character. I tried to play pure mages both in MW and in OB and it was quite tedius.

Finished the main quest, finished mage's guild, finished SI, more ruins/forts/caves explored than I would care to count, finished a number of user mods such as Lost Spires and VH Bloodlines (both mods nearly as long or longer than the main quests). Leveled well into the early 30's, 250+ hours. Does that count as getting very far?

If you used to wield a claymore and a spell is it really so hard to consider a Longsword instead?

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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:11 pm

I'm alright for this if you allow my mage to hold a dagger in his teeth so he can stab people while casting two spells.
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:22 am

Finished the main quest, finished mage's guild, finished SI, more ruins/forts/caves explored than I would care to count, finished a number of user mods such as Lost Spires and VH Bloodlines (both mods nearly as long or longer than the main quests). Leveled well into the early 30's, 250+ hours. Does that count as getting very far?

And you played on decent difficulty, without any balancing mods, with magic skills as your majors? Without training? Without ever using daedric armor, which is the most enchanteable, just with robes, which aren't very and are only one-piece? Difficult to imagine, but I bow before you persistence. Still, even you would probably have to admit that it required a lot of tedious micro-management, due to the game not being balanced for such a character.
School of Destruction becoming useless at higher levels once everybody and their dog started to have Reflection was just one egregious example of the devs really not thinking it through, IMHO. And IIRC the Illusion spells were so expensive magicka-wise that it was a good while before they could be truly useful either for concealment or for self-defense. Ditto shield spells. Etc, etc.

At least this way, the devs will have to really think about balancing of spells, enchantment values of mage gear, having multiple pieces of it including a headpiece, etc, instead of just assuming that if going got tough, a mage player could always grab a dai-katana and a suit of armor. And BTW, using the "bound X" spells for armor/weapons would count for this too, because fighting with a weapon is fighting with a weapon, whether it is summoned or not.

Now returning to the topic - holding a two-hander in one hand is possible sure, but either fighting or blocking with it this way isn't. So, the only sensibly way to implement it is to make the player unable to fight while they cast a spell. Which would be functionally the same as switching between different load-outs.
Also, let's not forget that fighting and magic use 2 different pools of resources, so combining fighting with casting can (and in the past did) very easily lead to very overpowered combinations.
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