One's the crack shot gunslinger with a heart of gold, the other a crazy psycho Red Head Chick with a sledge hammer.
Just yesterday, I went into Vault 3, Fiend territory, told the wounded NCR ranger to leave, get medical help ...
this friggen guy starts sneaking past 5 fiends, all who can see him, but get's away. What a weird thing.
Fast Foward about five minutes, I'm outside on the second floor of some ruined building, chucking dynamite sticks at a fiend ...
Who should wander across the battlefield but that same NCR Ranger, still sneaking, as he made his way back to Camp McCarran.
Little funny things like this have happened a million times in this game.
I can say without any doubt that no other game has earned as much affection, love and respect from me as Fall Out New Vegas. I love it.
I can't wait for a sequel, I've decided to start playing part 3.
Cheers to everyone that helped make this game, those guys did a fantastic job.