» Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:33 am
Slightly OT maybe but:
Did anyone manage to improve Leather or Hide Armor further than flawless?
I have 100 in smithing and almost all perks (I don't have orcish,dwarven,daedric since I am playing a Nord Barbarian and wanted that 50% stamina regen so I went light armor with battleaxe).
I can make legendary Dragon Scale Armor but fail at getting any leather or hide stuff beyond flawless. This is also true for some weapons which I can't remember right now (those weren't orcish,dwarven,daedric so not a perk thingy I believe I wasn't able to make an Ancient Nord Hero Sword or Dagger legendary only flawless while I could make an Ancient Nord Hero Battleaxe legendary [thats what I am currently using]...).