Can't interact with NPCs

Post » Tue May 06, 2014 6:33 pm

Hi, I'm having a bit of an issue, one that's been plaguing me off and on for over a year now. It seems, that sometimes when talking to an NPC, if the conversation gets interrupted, or is rushed through, I become unable to talk to them, permanently. Reloading a save solves the problem, but I don't always notice right away and I'd rather not lose hours of work on my char. So is there any way to reset an NPC or use the console to force open dialogue? The character is fine in every other way, they go about their routine, talk to other NPC's, say a few words to me as they pass by, I just can't open dialogue. At the moment I have the bug with (that I know about) 2 NPC's in the bannered Mare in Whiterun, Mikael, and another NPC from a mod.

I've tried:

kill and resurrect with console

disable/enable with console

resetai with console

bash in face with shield (made me feel better)

so far nothing works, if I kill them, I can't even loot the bodies, can't interact in any way, so any help you guys could offer I'd appreciate it, would love for, if not a fix, at least a way around this bug. I've searched the forums and the internet, a number of others have had this before, but no one's solved it yet, except with reloading a save, and hoping it doesn't happen again.

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Post » Tue May 06, 2014 2:15 pm

Any mods affecting characters (NPC's) ???

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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Tue May 06, 2014 5:12 pm

That's the trouble I really don't know. I know there must be at least one, as when I click on Mikael (in the console) it says he was last modified by "the unofficial skyrim patch", but disabling that mod didn't fix anything, and it's at the top of my load order so theoretically, if there was a second npc affecting mod, wouldn't it have shown up then too? But I do have other mods that add to npcs, creating new npcs, changing clothing, armor, weapon sheathes, and so forth. I've more or less given up trying to find which mod causes the problem, I just want to be able to reverse the damage whenever it crops up (which is fairly rarely I admit).

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Post » Tue May 06, 2014 2:02 pm

So you have more that one mod affecting NPC's !!!!!

So, just disable your mods, from your skyrim -> data files (just uncheck them).

After run BOSS again, (adjust your load order) and start a new character.

What happens then...


I just show that...

bash in face with shield (made me feel better) :rofl:

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