» Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:23 am
I try to ignore "hype" and just go with my own expectations, which I try to keep fairly level. Not too high. Not too low.
Leaving the story aside, there is absolutely no way that the final battle between Ulysses and the Courier (we know that a battle is inevitable) can live up to expectations when people put their expectations through the roof. And you can bet that no matter how tough or fast or skilled they program Ulysses to be, people are invariably going to post here within hours of LR's release to complain that Ulysses was "too easy." It's a given. It will happen. You look at any thread about the Legendary Deathclaw, or the Legendary Bloatfly, or the giant Roboscorpion, and you'll find someone saying "It was easy." or "I one-shot it." or something of that nature, whether they're speaking the truth or not. Some players just feel compelled to point out what a "bad-ass" they are at every opportunity.