Can't load my old saves on legendary edition

Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:41 am

I just bought skyrim legendary edition for ps3 and I cant load my old standard edition saves I have tried everything uninstalling, starting new game and trying to load from in game etc. but still nothing I have searched for hours on your site and many others and still nothing this is very frustrating because I haven't found anyone else with the same problem. The only thing I think might be affecting it might be the fact I didn't have the latest patch the last time I played my original standard edition because I always played offline. Please help me this issue is making me very angry why am I the only one with this problem. I don't want to start all over again I just want to play my old saves but if I cant fix this Im just going to return it this has really turned me off playing please help me I don't want to give up on playing again. Should I just rent (even though I shouldn't have to) the standard ed install the patch then load my save and do a quick save with the patch installed then try loading it on legendary again?

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:52 am

Hi, the only times I've heard of this is when the one part of your game, like the save files, is from a different region than this new part of the game, your new disc. Quite common problem for our nonAmerican gamers. But you sound American. I don't think it's the patching because your old saves should automatically be brought up to current patching, at least that's how software generally works. But it won't work in reverse.

Wait just a bit more as our favorite friend Mark in Greece should be along soon to help you.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:56 pm

Yep, your old skyrim was most likely from a different region than your legendary edition. You can check the region codes from the game's boxes in case you didnt know that before. so check if the regions match, and if they dont, either buy a matching copy of Legendary Edition, or just start anew.. I do think starting fresh characters is always the most fun anyway :D

Also, mutch appreciated if the next time you wont write the entire thing in 1 row, use paragraphs or sumthing...makes it easier to read :tops:

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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 3:24 pm

Obviously you haven't re-installed your DLC's (this time from your SKYRIM L.E Edition)

Legendary Edition DLC's are not compatible with your old one DLC's from the first black box SKYRIM. !!!!!

Keep that in mind !!!!

So, i dont know what you have done, but don't delete your saves.

Delete your game and re-install it from the LE Edition (you don't need to update, because the patch is allready included...)

After that delete your DLC's and re-install those from your L.E Edition as well. (you will see the Additional data folder will be replaced with a Dragonborn folder)


Then load your save(s) and play... :wink:

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Matt Terry
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