Can't Load Saves

Post » Sat May 11, 2013 5:50 am

I've been having an irritating issue lately where Skyrim crashes to desktop with no error message when I try load a save (when I haven't even touched Skyrim before my last play session). It's as if some of my save games randomly corrupt, and I have no idea what could be causing it as it happens unexpectedly. It's just getting really annoying to constantly be having to replay a part just because a save decided to stop working.

Any help is appreciated.

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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 10:55 am

Maybe your save was created with a different ugridstoload? Or you have a mod that is corrupted? What else?

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Post » Sat May 11, 2013 3:23 am

That would be odd since I haven't been messing with the ugrid. I did readd uGridsToLoad=5 into the skyrim.ini since it seemed to be missing, but it didn't seem to help. As for mods, I've been checking all of mine with BOSS and TES5Edit, but nothing seems to be raising a red flag.

As I mentioned earlier, the problem seems to be completely random in its occurences; I'll play for a while, save my game, and quit. A while later, I'll start playing again and it's about a 50/50 chance that the save won't load (so I have to restart from an earlier working save).

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