Can't log in to multiplayer.

Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:58 pm

Want to play after the mess you made on launch. Turns out now I have two accounts. Yffulf and Yffulf1.

I log in to the game with Yffulf and that works until I try to join a server, then it says I'm not logged in and bounces me back to login. I know Yffulf is the right account as that is rank 8.

I read that apparently I need to go in to my profile and change the default account from Yffulf1 to Yffulf but it says my password is invalid there.

Can something be done about that? I can't play this game after waiting all this time? It's bad enough I couldn't play on launch because you forced motion blur which gave me headaches.
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Monika Fiolek
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