» Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:36 am
Hahahahaha, OMG... this is soooo funny.
So I contacted EA last night about my LE stuff getting stuck on gamesas account I can't access and simply asked them for a new LE code. Believe it or not, EA actually responded this morning with a NEW LE code. I am very pleased to see that atleast EA answers to problems and fixes them right away. Very pleased.
So go back to gamesas, log in with my gamespy id, enter the code and it doesn't work. I read up that you have to log in your account with your email. So I log in with my gamespy email on gamesas, only to be met with invalid name/password, LoL. At this point I'm raging. Go to gamespy, change my password, go on gamesas, change my password, confirm both emails. Get back to gamesas, log in: invalid name/password, LoL! I log out, log back in using my gamespy account and I'm logged in using gamesas account, wtfffff???? I log out of gamesas but I'm back in my gamespy log in.... FUNNY STUFF, right??? This website is messed up, it's beyond recognition.
Moral of the story? If you can access your account trough a diffrent EMAIL, and your LE content is stuck on gamesas, contact EA for a new code. If you can't then all you can do is laugh.