I manage to solve my problem (somewhat). Because my nick login failed after I redeemed my LE code, I create a new account with a different nick but the same email address... and walla, problem (somewhat) solved - I can now login AND have my LE code working

Seems like the LE redeem code is tied to your Crysis 2 email account, so as long as the email account stays the same it'll work regardless.
- I registered my gamesas.com account during the beta
- I tried to redeem the code via the LE page after my LE arrived, but couldn't get it to work (doesn't recognise the login)
- I used the "forgotten password" function to kick the LE page into allowing me to redeem the code
- I then had login issues in MP with the my gamesas.com account in-game
- I then created a new nickname while keeping the same email account I redeemed my code in.
- Code redeemed, have to use a different nickname, but can login and play with my LE benefits.
Overall, a bit disappointed with Crytek since we PC gamers have to put up with all this BS, but at least my problem is solved.