I had the same problem with the beta; I just couldn't login with my gamesas account...
But when I tried an old gamespy account, it suddenly worked

. The only problem being that I didn't use that nickname anymore.
When I logged into Gamespy I saw that I had 2 accounts, and one of them had my new username.
So I then tried using that one to log into Crysis 2, and it worked! The fun thing was that it even copied my stats, but used my new nickname

(The new nickname is the same as my gamesas username by the way)
So I recently pre-ordered Crysis 2 via Steam and got my LE key

. I logged into the game with my Gamespy account only to find out that redeeming my LE goodies I had to use a gamesas account.
After reading this thread, I decided to change my gamesas password. And suddenly I could log in to Crysis 2 with my gamesas account (using my new password)!
I redeemed my LE code, and got a message in-game telling me I unlocked some new things, so all is working for me now!

the fact is that ... insofar you don't mention exactly which username matches to which account (name them !!! even if you name them "A" or "B"), things get pretty confused !!
You log into gamespy through an email and a password. right ? it's one account
then you say you notice 2 different accounts, you probably mean 2 nicknames (considering 1 Unique Nicknames is linked to 1 - and only 1 - account). Where do you see them ?
You logged into Crysis 2 demo using: the new gamespy nickname (= your gamesas username) + your gamespy password (btw what stats are you speaking abourt ?) ?
my experience on the demo. To play i used:
Nickname: I used gamesas username
Password: I used Gamespy password
(i was probably still /already connected on gamespy.com, dunno if it mattered)
my Gamespy account has a different email referent and password, from gamesas ones.
my Gamespy nickname is also my Unique Nickname there. And it is different from my gamesas username