» Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:04 pm
Hey guys, wanted to mention this- Not sure where i seen it, cause I’ve been scouring these forums looking for an answer- Crytek is doing nothing as far as updating these threads- just a headline and their ghost- I’m sure they’re working on it though-
I couldn’t log in with my gamesas.com credentials etc. - i saw another poster mention this and it worked for me.
Go to your account details, and there is a tab that says "delete account."
I did this, and made a new one from within the game, allowing me to use my primary email- i wasn’t able to keep my old game tag, but at least i was able to associate it with my primary email, you’ll have to pick a new tag.
This worked- I was finally able to at least get into an mp match. Now i get to deal with the dropped servers everyone is talking about, and losing stats. But at least I’m able to get into a game, and see how mp works.
This has been pretty lame, meaning the launch- i know that games have bugs etc., but not being able to utilize the game for 1 of the main reasons for buying is just plain old pitiful.
Hopefully they learn a lesson from this, and some compensation would be nice- i bought this game 4 days ago, and haven’t been able to play mp till now- to me, from a customer’s standpoint should translate into compensation, and I’m not talking about something ridiculous- i mean something like giving the people who have had these issues some downloadable unlocks, or extra ep or something similar to the LE retail version.
They could do this through email contact, and to me, this would at least rectify the poor launch that they subjected loyal fans to.
I don’t think its asking much at all-
What do you guys think?