I can't login to Crysis 2 game with my gamesas.com accou

Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:43 am

my gamespy-login also doesn′t work, tried it some minutes ago.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:56 am

I dropped £110 on the PC nano edition, and although the statue, art book and backpack are very nice I would appreciate the opportunity to activate the limited edition content that I've paid for.

This really is why I tend to game on my PS3 or 360 more these days. I have activated content via XBox Live or the PSN without hassle. However I return to PC because that's where I originally played Crysis and lo and behold there's some unknown technical hitch screwing a lot of people over.

Come on crytek support, surely letting us login to our accounts via the game is fixable over the weekend of release ? If it's not then can you figure out a way to give people access to their limited edition content ?
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:13 am

my gamespy-login also doesn′t work, tried it some minutes ago.

This is why I had to use my 2nd account because the older accounts do not work with Crysis, Crysis Wars or Crysis 2. It had to of been created in the last 6 years no lie, I have confirmed this with other ppl who have accounts predating 2005 with gamespy and my primary account is one.
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:54 am

my gamespy-login also doesn′t work, tried it some minutes ago.

This is why I had to use my 2nd account because the older accounts do not work with Crysis, Crysis Wars or Crysis 2. It had to of been created in the last 6 years no lie, I have confirmed this with other ppl who have accounts predating 2005 with gamespy and my primary account is one.
My account also didn't work :/
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Heather Kush
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:07 am

Same here, i can't login with my "Mycrisys" account ... Please fix that :)
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:42 am

I also have this problem.
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kevin ball
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:07 pm

This Blows!
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Assumptah George
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:41 am

Same problem also exists in Crysis 2 v1.1 Turkish edition(Retail DVD). Sure, the message is in Turkish and says wrong user/pass.
I've tried my nickname and email address as username but none of them worked.
I also have changed my password using the button on the game(which directs me to gamesas.com/account), and didn't work either.

I also have a not-remembered CD-Key problem. The key i have entered is accepted but in the next session, it displays that i had never entered the key before. Does not remember at all.

I have an EA account and tried but didn't work. Another problem that i have is with EA's GunClub. I redeem my CD-Key in the EA Download Manager and added the game to my game repo. but the gunclub website seems doesn't sync with download manager.

I do not have a GameSpy account.
My gamesas account was created long before the demo release.

I believe this is a security configuration problem which cannot be solved by a game patch. This is an external issue i guess.

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Carlos Vazquez
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:42 am

I PM'ed both Cry Tom and Cry Adam with information on where I think this problem lies (ie so the Developers could look in the right direction). Unfortunately I haven't heard back from either.
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marie breen
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:02 am

Come on solve this, I emailed asking for info of problems with login in the mp demo and the person who replied told me that in the release those problem would be solved... sure. -_-
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:21 am

Dear Crytek we waited months for this release... you put out a game that wasnt ready and has issue's... I could careless about the single player campaign!!! please tell me why on earth i shelled out $63.55 of my hard earned money for this crap!!! i wanted a working game at release for that amount... i mean, really i could have waited a few months for a price drop and been fine with a game that had its bugs worked out already... you have truly failed your customer base... i filed a dispute with Digital River US inc.. for product not being function-able as described at purchase... you need to svck it up and give us a partial refund for your failure, or im going to have my bank just charge back...
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gemma king
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:41 am

Update: I have created a 2nd account from inside the game, and it works. But i still want to use my main account
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:09 pm

Hey guys, wanted to mention this- Not sure where i seen it, cause I’ve been scouring these forums looking for an answer- Crytek is doing nothing as far as updating these threads- just a headline and their ghost- I’m sure they’re working on it though-

I couldn’t log in with my gamesas.com credentials etc. - i saw another poster mention this and it worked for me.

Go to your account details, and there is a tab that says "delete account."

I did this, and made a new one from within the game, allowing me to use my primary email- i wasn’t able to keep my old game tag, but at least i was able to associate it with my primary email, you’ll have to pick a new tag.

This worked- I was finally able to at least get into an mp match. Now i get to deal with the dropped servers everyone is talking about, and losing stats. But at least I’m able to get into a game, and see how mp works.

This has been pretty lame, meaning the launch- i know that games have bugs etc., but not being able to utilize the game for 1 of the main reasons for buying is just plain old pitiful.

Hopefully they learn a lesson from this, and some compensation would be nice- i bought this game 4 days ago, and haven’t been able to play mp till now- to me, from a customer’s standpoint should translate into compensation, and I’m not talking about something ridiculous- i mean something like giving the people who have had these issues some downloadable unlocks, or extra ep or something similar to the LE retail version.

They could do this through email contact, and to me, this would at least rectify the poor launch that they subjected loyal fans to.

I don’t think its asking much at all-

What do you guys think?
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:29 am

I am not making another account or deleting my current account to attempt in working around their bug that was present in Beta, Demo, and now Live. They'll fix this or I'll delete the game and never look back, period. Crytek please stop hiring amateurs and get some developers on your team that know what they are doing, thank you.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:07 am

I'm just trying to play the damn demo , wtf.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:44 am

It could work, but it's a big risk to take for people like me who already associated the LE code with their account. What if deleting doesn't solve the problem and on top of that I can't recreate my account with my email? Then Crytek can dust off their hands and go: "Well you deleted your own account, no more LE stuff for you."

People had different luck with different solutions, and I tried all of them, however deleting my account is too much of a risk to take.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:01 am

Crytek please stop hiring amateurs and get some developers on your team that know what they are doing, thank you.
If you can do better, by all means, do it. Otherwise, don't complain. It's not a simple task to make a game, and its nearly impossible to make a purely bug-free game. Give it some time
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:13 am

I was able to log in after changing my password multiple times in here as listed in the possible fix that crytek posted
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Isabella X
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:24 am


Can someone fix the Accounts problems???????
Login on site... create a acc on site...
I trying recover my main account... but gamesas's site dont let me do that!!!!!!
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:22 am

Crytek please stop hiring amateurs and get some developers on your team that know what they are doing, thank you.
If you can do better, by all means, do it. Otherwise, don't complain. It's not a simple task to make a game, and its nearly impossible to make a purely bug-free game. Give it some time
I can't do better, I am a web developer, not a game developer. I assure you I could deliver a much more functional website then this gamesas garbage but along the lines of fixing the game I can't do squat.

With that said I am a consumer. I have bought my rights to bich with $60. I don't need to do better. This bug was present in Beta, Demo, and now Live (find my self saying this with every post to ignorant twats like your self). I do not expect a bug free game, but I do expect the game to work at least to its fullest. In this case half of the game literally does not work. If you are one of those that CAN login then you're plagued with resets, disconnects, intense lag.. this still classifies as non-working.

It is not my fault they had more then 3 weeks to fix this and did not. An incomplete product, here in the US at least, is against consumer protection acts and rights. By law they must satisfy the intended function of the product, which they are not. This means they're open for massive law suit and at the very least refunding several of us.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:11 am

I love how people think they actually own the product they buy.

Get a lawyer to go over the terms of use and service you agree to when you purchase most games. You dotn own crap. They dont even have to keep the servers up to allow you to play this online if they dont want to. They owe you nothing.
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:45 am

Here is the problem!!!


The game uses GAMESPY! NOT gamesas.COM!!!!!!!!!!

I have emailed FP, talked to these guys and etc and NO ONE CARES! The game is giving FALSE information nothing more!

I had to use my alternate gamespy login to get it to work and is is total BS because I can get it to work in other games!

This is not always the case... in mine for instance, the account that I have been able to use to login to the game was at one point derived from a gamespy account that used to login to the first Crysis. At this point in time, I have since logged into the http://www.gamespy.com and updated that account with a more recent e-mail address and a new password. These changed have not been reflected in the game, as it still uses the *old* password still. The account that I have in the game seems to be a proper gamesas.com account, but I am just not able to use it to login to the website.

The account I use in-game seems to exist in some kind of subsystem that I can only access from inside the game. I cannot change the password, e-mail, nickname... but I am ranked for some reason (and ranked with this nickname... but it isn't this account).
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Ria dell
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:55 am


I was just able to correct the issue that I have been having with the gamesas.com page, and my in-game account. I will describe what I just did, but please realize, that I cannot guarantee that you will have the same level of success that I did. I've only been able to test this on myself... so... take that with a grain of salt.

Here is who this process might help solve the problem for. If you are a user that had a Crysis 1 login (associated with Gamespy) and that login just happens to be the same nickname that you registered on gamesas.com, than what has likely happened is that the game will read that old information from Crysis 1 as you game login, and the website will use your new registration for the website. I was able to figure this out when I updated my gamespy.com account with a new password. Crysis 2 did NOT update to use this new password, but Crysis 1 did.

So... my fix required one piece of important information. What e-mail address was associated with this old account. If you know for sure what that is, than this might work for you.

I was fed up with not being able to use the same login info for the game and the website, and noted that a new "delete account" button was added to the account settings menu on the website. So I figured that I knew what the problem was... I was able to register two identical nickname on one database, and the game was using one, and the website using another. So ... I deleted the website account.

Once I did that, I attempted to login to the website again with the nickname I was using in the game (as it was identical to the one on the website), and then the old e-mail address. Neither worked. What I did then was initiated a password reset for the old e-mail address. It said that it was successful in sending me the reset information (which I had tried before, but did not work). So I logged into the old e-mail address, and was surprised to find an e-mail there.

I clicked the link in the e-mail and updated the account with a new password on the website. It saved the changes and logged me in for the first time with the account that I was using in the game. It first showed me my username as being the e-mail address, but when I clicked the edit profile button , it updated to show my nickname. Even more strange... is that also decided to associate my old forum posts and sent messages that I had made with the website account.

Just to make sure, I started up Crysis 2 and then tried to login to the game. For the first time I had to use the password I just updated the account with on the website. So... for me this problem seems to have been fixed.

Anyway... this is everything I did. I cannot confirm that it will work for you, but if it sounds like you are in the same situation as I was, and feel like taking the chance than there is something else for you to try. Please don't get mad at me if it doesn't work for you... I'm just telling you what I did.

Edit: Note... that I was previously able to associate all of my keys with the account that I was using to login to the game with. If that is not the case for you, than this might not be the best course of action.

Edit #2: Since I did this, I logged out of the website, and then had difficulty logging back in using my username or e-mail address using the drop-down menu at the top of the page. I tried to generate another password reset, but it didn't work. I clicked the link in the first password reset e-mail it sent me, and I was redirected to another page that was dedicated to password reset. When I typed in my e-mail address again, the page reloaded to another one that was dedicated to logging in (I still did not receive another password reset). I typed in my login information on this screen, and was able to log back in to the website. Obviously there are still some issues... but at least it is one step closer I suppose.

URL for the screen to log back in is http://www.gamesas.com/user . I have had to use my e-mail as opposed to my nickname to log back in.

Edit #3: To add even more to the strangeness... the reset password function actually *was* working... but it was sending the messages to the e-mail address that was associated with the website account I deleted. Weird.

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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:53 am

I love how people think they actually own the product they buy.

Get a lawyer to go over the terms of use and service you agree to when you purchase most games. You dotn own crap. They dont even have to keep the servers up to allow you to play this online if they dont want to. They owe you nothing.

This is pretty much nonsense- whether you "own it" or not- you are paying for a service- whether its single player, or the mp, and if part of what is advertised as working, is not, this is a breach of contract, and someone is accountable-

your rationalization is like saying buying a ticket as disneyland, walking through the gate, and then being escorted off the property would be okay, cause you dont own disneyland, lol, wake up dude... people have legitimate gripes here, and ea, and crytek should respond accordingly.

if it were not for the loyal customers who spend thier money on these games, developers would not even have your "so called terms of service" to feed thier families.
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:46 am

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