email-adress and password for gamesas and IGN/Gamespy are the same, but not the nickname.
gamesas also doesn't see the connection: have read when you go to gamesas 'account settings' it could display your IGN/Gamespy nickname and asking if you want to change your gamesas nickname to your IGN/Gamespy nickname and make a connection between these two... But not here!! Which I can't understand since the email-adress (and even password) are the same!
I don't dare to enter the limited edition code I have, since the connection with gamesas is non-existent.
Please fix this!! Let me change my gamesas nickname so it's the same as my IGN/Gamespy nickname!!That would fix this whole problem, since email, nickname and pasword would be all the same for IGN, Gamespy and gamesas!
Seriously, I really doubt if there's ANY connection between gamesas and Crysis 2 itself!