1. The forum accounts aren't merged:
You can log in with your username or your email and have seperate passwords, avatar's etc for both.
2. The accounts are somehow supposed to be linked with gamespy accounts:
If you don't own the gamespy version of the account with the same name as your one here you are probably screwed. You may possibly have even given some stranger your LE content too... (assuming it works on a username basis rather than email - I haven't entered mine).
The problem is in order to fix these problems they'd have to merge these various things, and with the second one there isn't a way to merge the accounts without someone losing their name.
Unfortunately, whether anyone at Crytek is actually actively trying to sort this problem OR even sees this as the MAJOR problem that it is, is very much in question (note upcoming weapon balance changes).
I think you've got the problem. My username "DRK3" is taken on Gamespy.